Farming and layers

Well to get started im an herbalist and imho as an herbalist I should not have to buy herbs to make my pots/elixirs. Yet I still have to, why is this you may ask.
1 bots 2 no layers I was able to get herbs when we had layers now I barely get any due to the shear number of hebalists competeing with bots. You want us happy fix this problem learn to do your job and remove the bots .
This can help tremendously I know ive reported a bot or 2 and still see them around. This means your slacking blizzard. Yes I know you have “so much on your plate” but if you continue to ignore a community you create decent which in turn leads to ppl leaving the game for good.
I was very close after 16 years of just quitting WoW, then came classic and oh how nice it was to see the old azeroth again not the stupid destroyed one from cata which imho was a mistake ive been a loyal fan of blizzard since dialbo D2 and D3 and wow when it first came out but im getting discouraged very quickly. I really don’t know if ill still be playing in 3 months. It is up to your end to figure that out.