
Oh wow, yeah, that certainly sounds like a storm brewing.

Thank you for the explanation. I haven’t read through that thread yet (and now I don’t have to :wink:) but I was curious if that’s the storm you were referring to.

Guild drama sucks man…keep your head down.

Hurricane failed miserably to raid orgrimmar. Extremely anti-climatic experience. Without layers, they cannot even manage to get passed the valley of spirits.

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Question, Hurricane:

Do you require that all of your members be of god-awful skill individually, or is that just a byproduct of zerg recruiting?

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We murdered Sylvanas and then we murdered Cairne, and then we took very leisurely strolls through the barrens and made sure to torch the cities we passed on the way to Orgrimmar, specifically to get the horde to sound the war drums. We never wanted Thrall because we’ve killed him multiple times already. We wanted a Horde response to our raid. We wanted to fight numbers greater than our own. And we definitely got what we wanted. We faced hundreds and hundreds of horde in Orgrimmar, and had a blast exchanging blows. World PvP at its finest.

We’re hundreds of members in number, so sure there’s a large variety in individual skill levels. Weekly PvP events including Gurubashi team skirmishes and dueling nights are specifically there to train our members to get good at PvP. We’re all getting there, and Hurricane will help any and all willing to fight the good fight.

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It is done. Almost 30 minutes of glorious, non-stop carnage. No hard cuts trying to make us look good. A real look at how Hurricane plays, and the fun you can expect with us.

If by “large variety of skill levels”, you mean “backwater inbred keyboard turning mouth-breathers”, then yes I’d agree with your assessment of your player pool. It is noble to try to train and better the lives of those poor, poor window-licking souls, though. Good on you.

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Feel free to come meet us any time with 10-20 of your best PvPers and we can spar and duel. I feel like you don’t have enough of a sample size of encounters to make the assessment that we’re all “backwater inbred keyboard turning mouth–breathers”. We can quickly remedy that.

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I have to say I didn’t expect you to offer an even fight. PM me on discord and let’s make it happen, ksp#4470. I’ve had a pretty large sample size. But in fairness, you recruit these numbskulls with such a profound Zerg-guild vigor that I could be dueling for three days straight and not see all of your players.

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You killed thrall when layers were still around. The moment layers were removed you could not even get passed the valley of spirits.

Not at all angry. I live and die for the horde.

You killed thrall when layers were still around. The moment layers were removed you could not even get passed the valley of spirits.

Not a bad point. Maybe Thrall should be a target next time! However the counter-raid afterward couldn’t even get within render distance of the Stormwind gates, so it looks like we’ve all got some planning to do!

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grob bless

It happens, alliance cities only have front entrances. I’d like to see alliance raid org through the main entrance.

Who’s the mastermind of the Horde that “designed” the cluster of mud huts you call a city? Thunder Bluff and Undercity are equally problematic.

The one who designed our cities is “ran out of budget”. A darn shame.


That got a laugh out of me. I remember that.

trash guild

That isn’t how reddit works. There’s nothing you can do to re-light that garbage fire. Unfortunately.

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I like your cities better though. They’ll be my home eventually.