
100% Confirmed Cybaster isn’t a robot, because he said so, just like a robot would be programmed to say


The poetry reading prior to the meeting had me sniffing back tears. Just beautiful.


The Reckoning of HURRICANE is upon us.


The dawn of a new beginning is at hand!

The Hurricane sets sail on the morrow. Her sails are mended. Her deck is swabbed. Her canons are loaded. Her galley is stocked.

…and her crew has blood in their eyes.


They create some RP channels and in a matter of weeks you’re in deep. My robes and wizard hat off to you, good sir. Well, maybe not the robe—we’ll pass on the ERP


Going to go in deep on my postman character. He’s going to deliver all the letters!


Attending the first meeting and the leader is direct and knowledgeable! A nice community with a solid theme and weekly worldpvp to boot. If your still undecided, give these pals a go :slight_smile:


I’m a little late to be posting this, but THIS IS HOW IT FEELS.


Hell yeah, this sounds like a lot of fun! I’m still not sure what class I want to roll yet. I’m thinkin Mage or Rogue or Druid.

I will try to find you guys in game when I do make my characters for that realm. Tbh I didn’t know what realm to roll on at first, except that I was hoping to find a Medium pop so it won’t be too overcrowded. Hopefully see you guys on Grobbulus! So hyped to be back home! See you on the battlefield!

Edit: I guess I should mention where I come from. I got my start back in vanilla about a month before BC. I made a druid as my first character, but the undead rogue was the character I fell in love with (I know, right?) and continued to level until the BC came out and I got 70 finally after maybe a month or two in real world time. It was a proud moment. I pvp’ed a lot. Really enjoyed running with the AV premades and in general just going around in BG’s. World pvp is what excites me the most these days, though.

Then I made a warrior later around the start of Wrath and did some tanking kind of casually for a while until I got distracted by the shiny new Deathknight class. I had a rl friend who played alliance convince me to roll on his server to raid with his guild, a semi casual raiding guild. We got up to Blood Queen Lana’thel and eventually down her after maybe a dozen or so attempts. Let me tell you that that moment when finally downed her and it was so close, I was one of maybe four players who survived and some how managed push through and finish the fight! It was glorious! I still get chills thinking about it! I would’ve continued pushing through all the way to Lich King and beyond if not for the guild breaking up, sadly. I was on verge of getting Shadowmourne, too!

I regret not doing Ulduar as well, and I don’t know if expansions are going to be part of Blizzard’s content plan in the future, but I would very much like to have another shot at that one!

I know it’s just Classic we’re talking about right now, but I just couldn’t help reminiscing about the good ole days I guess. :joy:

Sorry for the wall of text. I seem to have a way of just vomiting out words endlessly when I get going. Hope to see you guys out there, and have some grand adventures, silly shenanigans, all that good stuff.


Just got done making my spreadsheets and wanted to say that this is such a good community of people already. Soon, we will embark on a new journey in Azeroth!


Taking a stroll down memory lane when we’re in the final hours before Classic seems appropriate to me! Here’s to many new almost wipe experiences. :grinning: :clinking_glasses:


Time to sleep for 13 hours so I can be ready right when servers pop up!


Hope its not to late, but I’d like to join you guys. Don’t care about being part of a main raid group, I can’t commit anyway thanks to working 12hr nights and every other weekend, but would like to be a back up and I am definitely excited for some wPvP. I’ll drop in on discord to checkin later today.


only 12 more hours and I’m going to spend most of those asleep


11 more hours to go! And it’s never too late to climb aboard for some booty kickin’ WPvP.

Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms.


Today is the day ladies and gents. The storm is brewing. Are you prepared? Join us!


Feel free to drop by the Discord channel before the game goes live to say hi! I had never used Discord in my life so I kept putting off downloading it, but I was glad when I finally did—such a simple platform to use :smiley:

Stop in if you get a chance and share in this launch-day countdown w/ us :sunny:


And share a stupid joke! It’ll help make these last 9 hours, 30 minutes go by faaaaaster.

Q: Why can’t a leopard hide?
A: Because he’s always spotted.


I mean, can’t you just track beasts?

Hunters these days :roll_eyes:

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Q: How does the ocean say hello?
A: It waves.