Welcome to all the new members! Glad to have you aboard this fine vessel.
Welcome to all of our new members that joined us yesterday!
Don’t forget that RP is optional, and this is a haven away from streamers.
No Asmongold or Sodapoppin, thank Azeroth!
Welcome, Thalerion to our humble abode!
Thanks, it’s gonna be a great time for the alliance!
welcome, looking forward to spilling horde blood with you.
dkp for raids awarded by attending weekly city raids? Bold move.
It is first and foremost a PvP guild. PvE is a means to an end for the most part.
We know we’re gonna have lots of wPVP, city, zone, and instance portal raids… but what other events are members and prospective members hoping to see?
Duel tournaments? RP events? Mount races thru dangerous terrain? Beauty pageant? Scavenger hunt? WSG flag return contest? Bounty board?
Lets hear it
Once an hour is all we need, fellas. Lmao. Points for zeal, though.
RP events with a strong PvP focus are always amazing, especially if they hold a strong story arc across the events. I’ve been involved in quite a few in the past and the only shortcomings they’ve had was being localized to a small region of the world.
Remember, the alliance is AT WAR with the horde across all fronts. The battle will shift across a variety of strategic points, these are easily integrated into the usual PvP hotspots that were mentioned earlier like instance portals, hillsbrad, conflict zones like STV/Gurubashi, various other outlets.
Tying them together with a strong roleplay element rather than just “ZOMG THEY ATTACK GOLDSHIRE EVERYONE THERE NOW!” is what can really separate normal pvp from EPIC RP-PVP.
*Breathes heavily through Thunderbrew soaked beard and mustache.
Thanks guild for saving my and other’s names the other day! Can’t wait to get home and make my character after this lovely beach trip.
And fights urge to apply warpaint – too soon
np Leiloni, just msg me when you are ready to transfer name.
No! It’s never too soon to throw on the war paint! Unless, of course, you’re already covered in the remains of your enemy.
…your enemies have remains?
glances at a few wisps of ash floating away in the wind
Looks like we starting to grow a decent night crew as well! Always liked having a strong guild presence in the wee hours of darkness mwahahahaa
Pokes head in thread, hears heavy breathing
Settles in comfortably