Farewell to Arms as faction transfer

After faction changing a character to alliance in order to finish the alliance side of the achievement I got bad news. Although this is posted on blizzard faction change site under quests:

  • Faction-specific questlines do not convert, specifically, the Battle for Azeroth War Campaign. If a questline unlocks certain game content, that content won’t be available in the new faction either (see Game Content Unlocks)*

it does not specifically mention the Farewell to Arms achievement. I was able to finish a lot of the quests and achievements after transferring, but got stuck on a campaign quest, couldn’t see the quests to start Tides of Vengeance and cannot progress towards the achievement. I wasted all this time and I cannot be the only one stuck on the last progress needed. I am sure the same happens to Alliance transferring to Horde.
I do not mind grinding for achievements. It’s a challenge/gameplay that I can appreciate but to gate this one so drastically is beyond me. First off, I was willing to pay money for the transfer that should have opened the quests needed and second, why make both factions necessary? It’s not like even after a faction change a boat load of work is still needed, why not at least let me finish this by making the quests available.

Both factions necessary because there was two different storie.