Fantasy weapons

So I played alot of BG3 recently and realised WOW sucks at actually showing us practical armor, weapons and shields you can actually use. Everything is over the top and there aren’t weapont categories used with IRL mirrors. You would think someone put rules to the production in a world like Azeroth where such tools are made for masses of their armies and not individuals since warfare is constantly put in our faces.


Yes, in wow and thats mainly since Vanilla but as time went on it become more silly, you have only RGB and huuuge armor and weapons that you would never be able to actually use.

I see lots of people love the massive shoulders in wow, but you cant have that in real life ><

usually only special crafted stuff has different looks and most blackmsiths sell those that look in line what you expect from an average NPC. Playing other fantasy games made me realise how ridiculus the WOW designs are.

This is easily my biggest gripe with the art direction, tbh.

It’s hard to use staves because every single one they put out has the staff head as this gigantic art installation that’s bigger than my character’s whole torso. And that’s not just true on my Goblin, it’s true across the board.

We’ve reached a point with 2-handed swords where Cloud’s Buster Sword, which was designed to be comically oversized, is now the starting point. It only gets bigger from there.

Even on what should be the opposite end of the spectrum: most of the new daggers they put into the game are the size of swords.


I always found a bit of charm in Warcrafts comical art style. It adds a bit of levity in the grim times.

I also love big weapons and big shoulders. The shoulders I am wearing now are kind of big for cloth, there are more under stated shoulders.

I missed my poofy shoulders in my brief time as a Dracthyr, in the sense that it looked weird only wearing shoulders, so I just ran around as a naked lizard, only ‘mogging the slots you see as a visage.

My Evoker is the same. It just looks weird to me having only shoulders and a belt, so when he is on lizard form, he’s basically naked.

Anyway, sometimes I wish weapons were bigger. Like my Dwarf DK - I want a massive axe for him, but axes don’t seem big enough to me.

Pole arms too. I want massive pole arms/pikes.

Sometimes My Blood Elf Paladin uses the red version of mannoroths glaive. I think it looks close to what Elves have used, as far as glaives. I just wish they were bigger.

I don’t care about ground clipping, I just like seeing big weapons cleave my enemies in twain!

I agree about staves though. They always seem … idk… top heavy? Like they started designing a cool top part and then give up half way down the staff.

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WoW’s artistic direction is 99% of why the style is timeless. Going with realism would be an odd pairing with the general tone of the setting.


Nobody is suggesting that they switch to Unreal and go for hyper-realism. There’s a million miles of middle ground between the current status quo and that.


You can make cool looking armor and weapons without them being straight out of a comic universe.

I agree. That doesn’t mean WoW should do a complete 180 into a fundamentally different style/tone.

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Eh, kind of, I still think the vanilla models hold up rather well, if only they would receive a texture update. Not every one handed sword needs to be larger than a bastard sword nor every greatsword needs to be a Buster Sword.

I mean, the best example I can give of is the old glaives(unavailable to players) and the new ones. The old ones look like actual weapons, impratical to dual-wield, sure, but that’s the motto of the Demon Hunters. The new ones are mall ninja toy glaives and it’s one of the main reasons I can’t bring myself to play a DH.

That middle ground is already in the game, though, and with plenty of mogs available. They continually add more, especially through the Trading Post.

Going to assume you mean the leveling greens/blues, because most of the raid gear was similarly Big Shoulders, Bigger Weapons. However, that style already exists across most expansions as is. Some of the newest chest pieces even have shoulder low profile shoulder models if you hide your base shoulders.

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Agreed, people can look as silly or as grounded as they want to be. Which seems to be the best thing for WoW, choices will always be a better option.

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I can’t get warm with most design choices.

There are ear muffs, beanies, scarves, and even full on pajamas with booties that look rather warm.


You can transmog grey items now so if you want the mundane look, you have it.

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aberus was a fairly mid raid but that sword god tier
i wonder if fall of the brotherhood refers to the drama in blizz at the time

Blizzard could take inspiration from medieval times and change their art style from it. With the current stuff we have a game for kids not seirous.

Well… duh. This isn’t a game with an age rating, unlike Diablo IV.

Yeah that isn’t their goal. They specify state that WoW has an element of humor and they want to keep it that way.

All armor and weapons are way too over the top.