<Fantasy Inc> [A] LF Hunter and Enhance. All 25m one night clear

About us
We are a guild that has been together since MC with a focus on community. We have two successful raid teams and value players that not only log in to raid but participate in the guild as a whole. Aside from 25man raids, we run mixed team 10man raids, dungeon achievements runs, level alts, etc.

Raid Teams
Weekend Team
Fri-Sat 8pm-11pm EST
Rotating Loot Council using RC Loot Council
Recruiting 2-4 Raiders to complete the team roster, focused on the following classes:

  • Hunter
  • Enhance Shaman
  • Lock or Mage

We’ll consider strong performers of most other specs, but currently filled on Pallies, DK’s, Druids and Warriors.

Weekday Team
Tue-Thu 8pm-11pm EST
Officer-led Loot Council using TMB
<Full - Not Recruiting>

As a guild, we offer a low-key and flexible environment filled with a diverse group of players. We value making the most of our raids times as not everyone can play 6-7 days a week. It’s understood that while not everyone plays at the same skill level, and as a guild we’re not chasing server firsts, everyone owns a personal responsibility to maximize their performance for the benefit of their raid team.

  • 75% attendance
  • Fully Gemmed/enchanted with BiS Enchants
  • Full Consumes from first trash pull
  • All Relevant Raid Addons: DBM/Bigwigs, GTFO, Weak Auras, etc.
  • Review WCL and challenge yourself to improve week to week.

If you are interested feel free to message us in game or discord.