Fantastic SoD PVP damage tuning!

with the new changes to SoD pvp dmg a lot of ranged have mixed feelings most people view these new changes as a bit drastic and heavy handed. as a melee player i’m overjoyed about them as I no longer need to play inside my backline to minimize the stray dot or 2 that would put me on the brink of death without a dedicated healer to keep me up.

These new changes have also brought back warriors role in BGs as frontline who can take a hit and apply pressure through MS (MS is actually valuable now) and CC utility. even with the massive nerf to warrior damage and rage generation (still need to test the effect on rage) it no longer feels like you 're greafing you team by playing warrior rather then Spriest.

As i’m sure many casters are taking to the forums to revert these changes back these were needed and welcome changes, while not fixing all issues with the game this is most definitely a step in the right direction!

the only people mad about these changes are casters and bad players.


The big question is…

How much Silver did you come away with in a Blood Moon?


I love GI Joe!!! It was my favorite

Im sure its less then before but i’ve already gotten all the STV rewards i wanted, they probably need to buff the amount of blood you get now, or they may be fine with having the STV BM take longer then before, ether way its no longer going to be ranged groups farming 2-3k per BM while melee get 1k.


yeah nice change,… now shamans are immortal with instant heals… very nice


have you tryed using heal cut like MS or wound poison? they seem to die just fine to me. shrug

I think hunters should RP as cobra commander and the shaman can be night hawk.

I am going to be Storm Shadow

GI Joe RP is a blast :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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is your rage generated been cut by 50% with the 50% damage nerf? I don’t see a 150 damage white hit generating much rage

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these changes are trash and its a 50% damage reduction LMAO so bad welcome to season of healers


use heal cut, you can still kill people just fine, you just cant be bad at the game and expect to win. shrug

Def a terrible change, favors healers that will rot you down. The dads complaining about pvp on a pvp server have their pve servers they can flee to now. Why even entertain this.


wtf is heal cut? do you not even know the term MS and expect me to care about your opinion on pvp? you clearly know NOTHING. Only wars and rogues have an MS anyway so your argument is invalid.


tell me ur bad at pvp without telling me ur bad xDDDDD

Over all it’s a good change. Needs some adjustments tho because hunter pets aren’t affected, and thus I assume felgaurd/succubus isn’t. Also, healing is waaaaay overtuned now, like phase 1. But without those outliers, the fights are pretty fun.


We know you’re bad, don’t need to emphasize it


You already have…heal cut…lmao

from my perspective as a war this change feels amazing, as long as your team knows to focus MS’d target people die fairly easy unless they’re getting trained by 2 or 3 healers they WILL die. people cant just be 3 shot from 40 yards now.

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People are pissed because they cant click 2 buttons and watch people fall over anymore.



Over-reaction with no foresight. This is not how to balance.


The only people complaining are the bad pvp’rs that cannot play in coordinated competitive bgs or world pvp.

Yes if you break the blind or hunter trap on the healer now he is going to keep people up.,

Yes if you don’t dispel now you’re going to lose
Yes if you dont use CC now you’re going to lose

Learn you class first
Learn to use your kit
stop hitting 2 dps buttons and panicking smashing every key on your keyboard then come back here and try again.