Fangs of the Father

Cannot transmog my final stage Fangs of the Father daggers on my rogue.

Please add another category for Legendary items so that we can transmog them over everything, currently I can only transmog FotF if I have daggers equipped and I’d love to see these beauties on Outlaw, which I main.


Totally agree. I was devastated to find that I couldn’t xmog the daggers, despite using them as Combat in 4.3. They were used as swords, let us xmog them over swords!


It’s just the MH that doesn’t show up the OH works fine. Blizz please fix this thanks!!!


Tiriosh is the default dagger that shows. It was the off hand of the set. If you right click on it in the appearance window you can switch it to Golad and put that on the main hand. Works fine then.


Thanks so much!! I didn’t even think of doing that.

Can you only tmog them as a rogue or can you do it on a priest or lock?

Not sure but the really fit the theme of the patch.

If I can tmog them on my spriest then I’ll farm them I just don’t play my rogue enough to farm them

Thanks for this!!

Thanks by the way. Worked like a charm.

You’re the man… or woman!

That is just what I needed! I was going out of my head wondering about why it wasn’t taking. Thank you a lot!

They were a rogue-only set, so class restrictions apply.

And weapon restrictions, I believe, as well. Daggers only, so Outlaw rogues wouldn’t get full utility (not being able to use a dagger mainhand).

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