Looted the fangs, but Valeera Sanguinar disappears from the game making me unable to turn in the quest and continue playing Legion.
It’s been a while since I did this one but is she out on a mission?
This has happened to me as well. Can not proceed further. Annoying, as it’s the second bug I’ve encountered on this quest. I just want to play the bloody game.
Same problem with me, stuck with the quest, unable to turn in and also can not proceed further.
Having the exact same problem now. Valeera is nowhere to be found. I am unable to continue in legion
Same. Completed Fangs of the Devourer quest, returned to Chamber of Shadows, no Valeera, no Jaroch, not able to turn in the quest/continue Legion campaign. Very disappointing
Having the exact same issue. Last step of the quest, only NPC at the table is Tess. Question mark for quest turn-in is in the room, Valeera is not.
I am also having the same issue, reset whole ui, logged out, tried relocating and coming back, and also can not abandon as the option is disabled/greyed out.
Just throwing out that I am having the exact same problem and none of the usual fixes work to allow me to actually play the game I am paying for. Nice work, Blizziots.
I submitted a ticket in game. They said this is a known issue and completed the quest for me. They also gave me a note on which quest is next.