Fangs of Ashmane (Black) skin will NOT unlock in Barber

Unlock states: Complete Light’s Charge and The Fangs of Ashmane. I have completed both quests and even verified using their respective /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(42430)) commands. I have all other skins unlocked as well as all the Nature’s Fury from completing my druid order hall campaign and no matter what I do I CANNOT get this skin to unlock, I have researched countless hours for information on it and it all just says to complete the quests. I’ve got the Achievements for completing class hall, full roster, master of weapons, all 4 unlocked etc. etc. etc. this skin SHOULD be unlocked for my Druid.

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EXACT same problem as you on my druid, did you ever find a solution?

Same problem here