Fandral's Flamescythe

I was lucky to get it during my 2nd run-through of Firelands* since it only has like a 10% chance of dropping

Using the actual weapon will make me a flaming cat druid, which I like. Which I want. It’s one of the reasons I wanted to go back to old raids.

Transmog doesn’t seem to have the same option that I can see.

Is fire-cat form possible with a transmogged flamescythe?

If not, why is Blizzard personally discriminating against me and me alone and my need to be constantly on fire in cat form?

*yes old content I know breezing through old raids for transmogs is my current thing okay just deal with it

There is Fandral’s Seed Pouch, if you really want to keep that cat form. And the flame seeds in the meantime.

Oh sweet, thanks for pointing this out!