Fan-made Nightborne Male Customization Improvements

I think an exception should be made exclusively for male Dwarves. You deserve to have the double-d boobs you’ve been wishing for.

Is that in reference to Worgen getting tails added?

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The hairstyle and beard we see on the video are night elf customizations and it worked really well IMO. Night elves and Nightborne could benefit a lot from sharing options, night elves need more magic oriented options for shen’dralar fantasy and nightborne need everything.

They look like gorilla hands, they slimmed down the entire model but forgot about the hands.

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Nightborne would simply benefit from having more customization options; only Night Elves would benefit from having magic-oriented customizations exclusive to the Nightborne.

The Shen’dralar are largely indistinguishable from regular Night Elves. They don’t really have an aesthetic that could be attributed to them, although I’m sure Blizzard could create one in the future.

The Nightborne male hands are smaller than that of the Night Elf, although they’re both still too big.

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They can do a good job, they just don’t care that much about customizations. Look how it had to be an expansion highlight.

But the art team of wow is great, but held back when it comes to these things.

I deleted my male nb warlock and made a belf one LOL

Unfortunately, the Nightborne having the Night Elf model as a base means that they inherit their many flaws, which is only compounded further by the developer’s lackluster efforts to make the model resemble the Nightborne even slightly.

Immersion and attachment to your character are an important aspect of an MMORPG. Is character customization the most important aspect of an MMORPG? Certainly not. But when you’re as stuck in the past as WoW is, they should be taking larger strides to improve a feature that’s been left way behind the times.

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Just about any time Worgen threads are started they get flooded with muuhhhhh lore idiots. Funny that Worgen are 8 foot in lore and only 6’ 10" in game. Yet they even try to argue that.

Speak for yourself.

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Nostalrius had fewer bugs and better stability than any wow classic server.
That was like, a couple Russians in basement.

How does ActivisionBlizzard lose at this to bored folks on youtube.

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I agree with this of course. It’s something that one can’t leave behind, no matter how cool and flashy raids and mythic raids are. Customizations are forever and enrich the aspects and visuals of the character. Raids are obsolete after their tier unless it’s for mog. I am surprised Blizz, while doing a good job now, didn’t throw many more over time.

Though I think some models need an overhaul, not only a change of graphics while keeping the same body model.

Also, the ones in Suramar have them too. Night Elf model can be good if done right. The males are a bit harder because of their proportions (that I hope one day is fixed), but the females have it better. In fact, I guess are improved in certain areas.

I just want them to look like the NPCs do.


I just want them to look like the NPCs do.

It’s crazy that this even has to be asked for, like asking for bread with your sandwich.


A fan did that and it looks 100% better. That shows Just how lazy and amateur the current in game player model is.


Does anyone know how many developers actually work at Blizzard? Or is there a way to find out? It feels like there is ten.

Honestly, what kind of skeletal crew do they have working on WoW that they cannot get this kind of thing done. It’s ridiculous. It’s like they’re on the fence about implementing simple things to ensure they don’t miss an opportunity to use it to market a patch or expansion. Put the stuff in the game and we will like the game more. Everything is backward now.

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So I went back looking for interviews the developers gave to see if they made any comments on the Nightborne, and of course, I found comedy gold from the developer’s about all the hard work they put into the Nightborne and the “special tech” that went into them. What a joke.

Article: Wowhead - Blizzard Interview: Allied Races

Here’s how all that hard work converting NPCs to playable models went:


That side by side is horrifying. :scream: :scream: :scream:


even the change to just the eye shape makes a huge difference, i love my nightborne but they could be so much better

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I’d like some mog like the Nightborne use. I try to have a similar one for mine, but not being able to hide pants ruins it as I want to use a large belt with the shorts they have for underwear, and if I use anything that’s loincloth, it removes the boxers.

(Blizz should let us hide pants, there are mogs there that make us show more than normal).

And those type of shoulderpads. It’s so sad when NPCs can use such cool (or minimalistic) gear and we’re stuck with tryhard pieces :frowning:

I’ll have faith that 9.3 will feature a Nightborne and Night Elf revamp to at least a body fix!

By the way, Ellinia, and in Blizzard’s defense, the male Nightborne also looks worse there because of the clothes he’s using. I’ve checked mine without chestpiece while trying mogs and they don’t look that bad, actually look cool.

If you throw our palayable cloths on the NPC models, they won’t look as great. The color, resolution and even shape of the male Nightborne (Playable) is nice, but the gear ruins it. I wished I could post picture again to show mine but for some reason, no bans or anything, Blizzard downgraded me to member. :eyes:

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