Fan-made Nightborne Male Customization Improvements

Wownan Exiles here we go. On another note the OP was beard teasing! You only showed a second of the bigger beard option! How am I supposed to show interest if it’s just a half second beard slip???


Tbh everysingle time someone talk about nightborne those posts only get like 20 or 30 comments at max.

And most of them are always the same people ; it seems nobody(almost) care about those ugly elfs.


Well I’m definitely among those “same people” :grin:

I’ll keep asking for the options I want for Nightborne until I get them or the game shuts down. Even if it’s only me asking, I won’t stop!

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Not a fan of them just copying Night Elf customizations but the chin jewelry could 100% be separated from the heritage armor as an option in the future.

Nightborne can easily be the best race in any Fantasy game I’ve played. Easily. With two simple steps.

  1. Suramar as a proper city

  2. NPC models

I said this before. If these things happen, I’ll race change every single one of my Blood Elves. Think of the money, Blizzard!


I’ve always thought the female Nightborne idle pose looks like they are trying not to fall over backwards.

That by itself is not a game breaker, but I’d be more inclined to play one if they could add some decent customizations.

I keep hoping for either the NPC model or a completely new model to replace the current playable Nightborne model but I’d settle for copy/paste from Night Elves, add in lots of new customizations for Nightborne and I would be much happier with my Nightborne characters.

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sad, one fan did a better job at male nightborne faces than blizzard, a multi-million (billion) dollar company did.

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Oh my :hot_face:, very nice.

Man…someone please explain to me how someone with basic software and a bit of time on their hands was able to achieve what a full time staff of developers at Blizzard couldn’t/wouldn’t?

I mean, just do it Blizzard! You made the Nightborne along with all the other allied races the main selling point for BFA, and then you just abandon them.

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I loved the arcane customization on the hands so much. The different hair styles also looked really good. Also, if we could change the jewlery from SOLELY silver to also having a gold option, like BE. So many Nightborne NPCs in game have gold ear and facial ornamentation.

Now that you mention it, I have not seen a single night born male in game… like… does anyone play one?

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Please, Blizzard, of all of these changes, the most important one is the face and eye shape.

Suramar npcs look so much better, and you know it. Do another pass on the faces, and once that’s fixed you can focus on increasing the customizations.

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I would but all the faces are some combination of swollen, old, and angry. They copied the worst Night elf scowl face as the base for most of the faces.


I have a couple, one hunter, one frost mage. I just haven’t started putting them through the agony that is Shadowlands yet. I’m sure I’ll get around to it eventually.

Oh…and very nice work on the fan customizations to the original artist! Nice to see the possibilities.

I still don’t understand how a race that was one of the main highlights of Legion ends up with such a bad model, animations, and is dead last in terms of available customization. For those reasons alone, I think a complete overhaul is in order.

NPC hair physics/animation:

Playable hair physics/animation:


I feel so bad for the Male characters in the game. The huge oversized meat mallets they have look so stupid. they look like a 11 year old drew them and the developer went these are good lets use them.

I have 2 nightborne females and even they are a dumpster fire but not as open as the male characters.

Typical small indie company or as Ion would say working as intended.


Why would you want the option to adjust boob size? Everyone would just turn the size up as high as it went.

Just make the default size bigger and that would achieve the same effect.

I’m just here to toss in my support, and look to see if any “muhhhh lore” you can’t have options idiots pop up like they do in the Worgen threads.


I leveled a male warlock to 50, got tired of his old man face and weird anatomy, and changed to a female recently :sob:
At least the girls are acceptable

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