I was trying to do this world quest but my auto attack can and will one shot frogs more often than not as will my trinket proc. I tried using the foam sword but of course that doesn’t work as they are level 70 enemies.
I don’t know if they are not scaling properly but these need their health at least doubled if not tripled.
Try removing your weapons altogether.
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There are also bigger, tankier frogs inside the cave that, last I checked, have over 100k hp. I strongly doubt they’re in “consistently kill with 1 auto attack” territory.
So I just did this WQ. There are 2 types of frogs you can use. The bigger ones have more HP so perhaps use those. That being said, I had no problems doing it with either sized frog. You just have to know when to stop attacking. Hit the escape key the moment your cursor becomes interactable on the frog.
They were getting near one shot as well. Though they at least survived the initial hit they didn’t survive long enough to use the item.
It seemed like an odd scaling issue where the first hit doesn’t scale their health than the second hit does. Its not limited to just this quest as I’ve almost one shot level 71 rares on occasion if the trinket procs before I use an ability or if I open with a proced mual as my first hit.
Just seems like a lot of hoops to jump through unequiping my weapon seems like a decent solution though. Might also have to remove the bramble talent.
Quests like this just need to cease to exist.
Might require Moon Guardian quarantine mode. Do the quest wearing only your tabard. And a ilevel 39 weapon.
Yeah,I can see at 441 you out grew the zone.
What really bugs me about it is the race to grab a frog before someone else does, then sitting around waiting for respawns. Even one other person trying to do the quest at the same time makes it take ages.
Like every other wound-not-kill quest in the history of WoW, it eventually becomes a pain.
(the one upside(?) is that it’s the one time that I actually consciously notice my crits/combos procing)
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Can get the foam sword toy from Dalran if you dont want equip a gray item or just remove gear items.
I’m suddenly imagining a frogger minigame WQ.
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This is true. Lol I was just poking fun at Scuzz for not catching froggos on first swipe 
I blame my imp. As usual.
Lazpep! This is all your fault!
[Imp] Eeeeeeeeeeee! /flees
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Quests like this shouldn’t exist as world quests.