False reporting and automated ban

Dictionary result for authority
noun: authority; plural noun: authorities

the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
"he had absolute authority over his subordinates"
synonyms:	power, jurisdiction, command, control, mastery, charge, dominance, dominion, rule, sovereignty, ascendancy, supremacy, domination; More
influence, sway, the upper hand, leverage, hold, grip;
informalclout, pull, muscle, teeth;
"he had absolute authority over his subordinates"
    the right to act in a specified way, delegated from one person or organization to another.
    "military forces have the legal authority to arrest drug traffickers"
    synonyms:	authorization, right, power, mandate, prerogative, license; More
    carte blanche;
    "military forces have the legal authority to arrest drug traffickers"
    official permission; sanction.
    "the money was spent without congressional authority"
    synonyms:	authorization, permission, consent, leave, sanction, license, dispensation, assent, acquiescence, agreement, approval, seal of approval, approbation, endorsement, imprimatur, clearance; More
    informalthe go-ahead, the thumbs up, the OK, the green light, say-so;
    "the money was spent without parliamentary authority"
_**a person**_ or organization _having power or control in a particular_, typically political or administrative, _sphere_.
"the health authorities"
synonyms:	officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the government, the administration, the establishment, the bureaucracy, the system

That sounds a lot like an individual person having power or control over maintaining their personal blacklist.