False advertising PvP is dead

Saw a video posted on Classic forum where a Rogue was Poly/MC by a Priest / Mage combo for about 7 minutes straight till he logged out . Seems terrible.

Glad that CC duration was nerfed for PvP in subsequent expansions

Depends on which side of the mc/poly chain you are on. :slight_smile:

That rogue was bad though and could have gotten away if he knew what he was doing. He was clicking his abilities lol. Plus he was too busy reporting everyone to even attempt to get away most of the time.


How could he have got away, it was a chain of cc 
 his frantic reporting of the players was funny though. :joy:

No trinket available to break CC yet I assume ?

At the beginning he could have easily los’d the poly. Instead he spent time clicking health pot and acting helpless. He was immune to mc after every 3rd one so he should have been spamming stealth before poly ever lands and then keep los’ing the mage.

Vanish into a distract in hopes of making the mage blink the wrong way and then sprint around the pillars to los and make a run for the portal. Not counting sap, blind, cheap shot and kidney. He should have never let them get him outside in the open like that. It was over at that point and that’s when he decided to use vanish lol

I was hoping they were going to open a portal to IF or SW and sent him packing.

Also the guy was hanging out ganking in front of the portals. If anything, it’s retaliation punishment imo.

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Not a bad way to talk Classic out the door. Vanilla used to be the kind of experience where you would go to PvP without rewards. We know now that’s one thing Classic isn’t bringing back. So much for Classic PvP. What then could change my mind from Retail PvP?

I agree with AretĂ©. It doesn’t look like I have much incentive to do PvP that nobody else really wants to do.

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It’s a bit odd there’s ‘no PvP’ on a PvP server?

Anyway, the lack of BGs from the start, along with no original AV, made me way less interested. The only argument I saw for not releasing BGs was “it has to follow real vanilla” which is laughable. Classic isn’t real vanilla and never could be. Whatever the case I think you can thank the delusions of all those “real vanilla or bust” folks.

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I don’t understand because vanilla pvp had rewards. It had the best pvp progression system imo.

I’m confused on why you are suppose to change your mind from retail pvp. What’s wrong with just playing the game you prefer?

People naturally play progression games for progression. There is 0 progression happening in pvp other than when there are limited mobs so you can eliminate your competition. Hang out around the furbolgs for timbermaw hold rep or in ungoro near devilsaur spawns. You will see plenty of pvp because pvp is needed for progression.

Well, you can’t PvP without players. If you build it, they will come. But I was responding to someone who is saying there’s no point in PvPing because there’s no rewards. I was arguing that back then, nobody really cared about that sort of thing. The rewards shouldn’t have mattered for those who TRULY desired the raw-cut Vanilla experience as they knew it in 2004-2006, but this is just yet another shortcoming or failure of Classic.

If nobody’s really going to be doing Classic PvP, it’s not selling as something that might be better than Retail PvP, which has been argued ad nauseam. If I’m doing Retail now, I’m not going to check out Classic PvP if it’s actually the same or inferior because nobody’s really doing it. There’s nothing wrong with what I prefer but again, you still do need PEOPLE.

That’s why you do both. You do your progression activities, then PvP. PvP is the dessert you get after you’ve finished eating all your supper.

Then this is what we need to be hearing more than what the OP is claiming, if it is indeed true.


Most people are leveling atm. The average level is 40-50 I’d say. There’s been some pvp but most want to get to 60 first.

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I hope you are right, but for these people to roll on a pvp server and then outright log off or run and not even try left me disappointed.

yeah i get alot of duel requests but lol that aint why I wanted classic wow, wanted some world pvp.

roaming and such


Meanwhile on Skeram.


guess i am going have to roll in Skeram, looks like horde is healthy there. means i can roll alliance and get all the fights i want?

lol dang i ll be gank materiel for a while

What server are you currently on?

Herod the supposed PvP server

Healthy is one way of putting it. Overwhelming the Alliance would be how I would describe it.

I’d guess its at least 75-25 ratio right now

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Perfect ,makes for great havoc group’s .

no yet there is no point to pvp until phase 2 comes out in 5-8 months.

this is classic wow

Nobody said that when WoW first came out without battlegrounds. See how we changed and that we can’t go back? We have to get something for what we do. Way too goal-oriented, ahh.


I think these new players lack internal motivation

In the past people used imagination and we’re more self motivated

I blame 

Because there’s no reason to PvP. There’s no honor system, there’s nothing. The only reason there is to kill people is PURELY to grief them, which is fun
but after 3 hours of ganking noobs, most people get bored.