False advertising PvP is dead

Or maybe it’s not seeing the fun in the zerg mentality. It’s like watching Ruin in an incursion on retail… Small scale pvp is what I see fun. If I’m going to zerg, I’m going for a capital city. Getting 22 people and taking over Brill isn’t my idea of fun.

So 22v15 and the 22 won. Ok? lol

What did you expect? Why didn’t you march on a capital city?


World PvP mmo … 22 is a Zerg now? Lol maybe doing /duel is more your thing

That’s what you got out of it?

A fight you know PvP server

I play on a pve server and have seen some action already but like others have noted its just way too early.

When the other side has 5-10 yea it is… I dunno about you but most of us like to pick fairly even fights.

If you remember that massive battle with the streamers it was fairly well organized. Most had hit max (30) and had nothing left to do but have fun (1v1 tourneys and wpvp).


I’ve ran havoc groups of 10-15 vs 10 plus more players and still come out on top

Is your calculator off (

22-15 = 7

So even by your definition of Zerg this does not qualify


April 8, 2019:


The only players that run are bad. Depending on your class, you can camp outside a small town and get your own PvP experience going. It won’t take long for a battle to whip up if you keep picking people off. Go to hillsbrad and you’ll have a mob vs mob in no time

Or the ones that can count…


Not every fight is going to be 1v2 or more. And I’ve won 1v2 so not sure what you’re trying to get at here. Anything more than that sure your odds of survival are low.

I never saw these blizzard ads where they promised this.

Can you link them?

There are no trinkets available in classic yet right?

So if a Mage poly’s you , you are stuck for what 30 secs without any out …?


Looks like you need this, op:


It’s a PvP server so Blizzard must make the opposing faction fight me or it’s false advertising. I’m sure if you put in a ticket, they’ll get right on that.

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Someone else was complaining about the lack of pvp on classic pvp servers.

Not sure how its “false advertising” when Blizz was completely up front about which version of “classic” would be used and what features would be available when.

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Saw a video posted on Classic forum where a Rogue was Poly/MC by a Priest / Mage combo for about 7 minutes straight till he logged out . Seems terrible.

Glad that CC duration was nerfed for PvP in subsequent expansions

Depends on which side of the mc/poly chain you are on. :slight_smile:

That rogue was bad though and could have gotten away if he knew what he was doing. He was clicking his abilities lol. Plus he was too busy reporting everyone to even attempt to get away most of the time.


How could he have got away, it was a chain of cc … his frantic reporting of the players was funny though. :joy:

No trinket available to break CC yet I assume ?

At the beginning he could have easily los’d the poly. Instead he spent time clicking health pot and acting helpless. He was immune to mc after every 3rd one so he should have been spamming stealth before poly ever lands and then keep los’ing the mage.

Vanish into a distract in hopes of making the mage blink the wrong way and then sprint around the pillars to los and make a run for the portal. Not counting sap, blind, cheap shot and kidney. He should have never let them get him outside in the open like that. It was over at that point and that’s when he decided to use vanish lol…

I was hoping they were going to open a portal to IF or SW and sent him packing.

Also the guy was hanging out ganking in front of the portals. If anything, it’s retaliation punishment imo.

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Not a bad way to talk Classic out the door. Vanilla used to be the kind of experience where you would go to PvP without rewards. We know now that’s one thing Classic isn’t bringing back. So much for Classic PvP. What then could change my mind from Retail PvP?

I agree with Areté. It doesn’t look like I have much incentive to do PvP that nobody else really wants to do.

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It’s a bit odd there’s ‘no PvP’ on a PvP server?

Anyway, the lack of BGs from the start, along with no original AV, made me way less interested. The only argument I saw for not releasing BGs was “it has to follow real vanilla” which is laughable. Classic isn’t real vanilla and never could be. Whatever the case I think you can thank the delusions of all those “real vanilla or bust” folks.

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