Fallout (H) recruiting for TBC fri/sat 10-1 server

Fallout 11/11 Kara is a Horde Guild on Mankrik, We raid Fri/Sat 10pm-1am server. MS>OS loot rolls with a plus 1 modifier.

We are in recruiting a
Prot Paladin
Ele Shaman
Shadow Priest

We are open for all casual members.

We are an older group of people that have other life responsibilities but still want to enjoy TBC. We are going to run a MS > OS loot system with the plus 1 so that everyone can have a fair chance at loot and it’s easy to track. We want to clear content at a reasonable rate and leave out the mid/max part of it all.

We are looking for people that have weekends available to raid and know how to play their class. We want to keep this simple and enjoy the game.

Contact Kamaull or real ID Kamaul#1369
Discord ishttps://discord.gg/Qgjudc9UWt

Are you guys still recruiting a prot pally? If so add me on btag grevan#1322

Any need for a near BIS Hunter in your main group?