Ever since the patch hit like 20% of the time when I “hit” the ground from a fall or throw I get disconnected. This most recent time my character was stuck in a Disconnect loop where every time I logged in I was immediately disconnected again.
this is happening to me right now. doing the venthyr assault, and when the big bois threw me to the ground it dc’d me repeatedly.
happening to me also
whelp its fixed just logged in hit the ground and died
Hey Blizzard just look for the pile of bones at the base of the wall where it has happened to alot of people
This is happening to me also. Stuck in a loop as i am thrown from the wall down…logged for for a few hours and just logged in now and still getting disconnected in the fall from the wall while doing the venthyr assaults.
Add my name to the list as well. This happened when the assault first came out last week and happened again today. The first time it happened, I could not log back in for some time as any attempt to do just had me in a loop where I was falling. This week, I fall, lose connection, log back to fall again and die. Lose stygia and have to run back.
I’d also like to add this happens to me at least with any drop in altitude from a certain height to the ground. Even mounted this occurs in the open world. Like if I am on a hill high up and jump down to another lower rock or something, a disconnect will happen every time.
I was just typing a post reporting the same problem when I saw this one in the list.
I ran into this problem on 07/18/2021. I was trying to get a nest treasure in Keeper’s Respite, a little north of where Tal-Galan is standing. My run/jump was a bit too enthusiastic and sent me over the cliff. I began falling, then looked to be “frozen” in mid-air, and then I got disconnected from the server. I tried logging in a couple of times with no luck. I then waited a couple of hours, logged back in, and same result logging into the character…server disconnect.
I was able to use Blizzard’s “stuck character” functionality to get the character moved to Westfall. This might help people stuck in a disconnect loop like I was, but this is definitely a “falling” bug in Korthia.
Got the falling disconnect issue in Korthia after falling off the cliffside and your suggestion for the stuck character feature worked right away. Thank you!