Fall of lich king ending

ROFL that’s amazing. 1 year later and Blizzard still got someone.

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Yep, I’m honestly surprised he didn’t get it when I told him to check the date.

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The biggest complaint is that it reminds me of Game of Thrones last few seasons.

I began to feel like they were making it up as they went along (cause they were). Lots of strings left hanging, and juicy plot lines falling to the wayside.

However, unlike Game of Thrones, this Game isn’t over so there is still plenty of time to explore those plot lines and tie those strings. Maybe there is some genius master plot line that will bring it all together for a big concerto. A girl can dream!

All I have to say is they better save Anduin!!!

Honestly, all this “Sylvanas must die” stuff smacks of incel energy to me. There are no leaders without blood on their hands. Just let the story go where it goes.

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Again that model is still implying their is a redemption. And she wasn’t cleaved off.

… are you not aware of how April Fool’s works?

I’m still making the point if she lives she’s going to get a redemption when she should be killed for genociding night elves. Honestly I have a gut feeling it will happen I’ll come back to this thread

Well, Wowhead datamined her jumping into something. It’s speculated it’s the Maw. She’s probably going to do a “noble suicide” or “noble sacrifice.” I have serious doubts she’s ever coming back as a racial leader.

I mean, you’ve set the bar at “anything short of summary execution is redemption”.

And even if she was redeemed or assigned a punishment less than death, does that really matter?

Ummm yes it does you don’t see people who get caught doing murder get away with it now do you?

Every leader of both factions is guilty. Singling out Sylvanas reeks of fedora and Mountain Dew.

Again, it was an April Fools joke! One that wasn’t even made by Blizzard. It was created entirely by wowhead, who, and this is true, are not Blizzard.

I’m not sure what’s worse, that you’re seriously gullible enough to believe that an APRIL FOOLS joke is legit an entire year after it was published and already debunked by literally everyone with a brain, or that you think we’re stupid enough to agree with you.

I wouldn’t say both factions but I do think that everyone that was standing beside Nathanos was guilty of burning the tree. Sylvanas had to repeat herself and that gave anyone standing there time to stop him and protest.

I jumped into the Maw almost every day… No one freaks out about that!


I mean your stupid enough to believe slyvanas won’t have a redemption and that you support NFTS. So I really could care less of what you say about me

The only alliance leader without blood directly on his conscience is Anduin, and that’s because he’s like 17 or something. But hey, he’s got the emotional baggage of being coerced into a few stabbings now, so who knows where that will go.

I mean honestly it could be part of a quest chain where we go into the Maw to look for Nathanos. Unlike Sylvanas, he’s actually dead to the point where he belongs there (granted he can be resurrected, but the odds of that happening are slim to none), where as Sylvanas is still ‘technically’ a mortal soul and doesn’t belong in the Shadowlands.

My prediction at this stage is that there will be a quest, probably in 9.2.5 or something, where we find Nathanos and pull him out of the Maw so he can go to his ‘proper’ afterlife, while Sylvanas returns to reality and will have to endure imprisonment for the lives she took.

Come on. If you’re going to call someone stupid, at least do it right :roll_eyes:

Those who live in glass houses that stink of weed, sweaty moobs, pizza left on the counter overnight, pink-hair dye, and unwashed dog-fur (don’t you guys walk dogs?) should probably not cast stones.

I’m not saying other leaders aren’t guilty of something or another, but trying to put Sylvanas and her list of crimes in the same boat as everyone else… I’m sorry, you said incel energy earlier, would the opposite of that be simp energy?