Part 1: Arathi Gathering
It all had begun with a letter signed by Anduin Wrynn, sent from Stormwind Keep to the Undercity, addressed to Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner. It requested a chance for Forsaken and Human relatives to reunite for a short period of time, in an effort to strengthen an ongoing peace between the two constantly warring factions, a war that was halted with the coming of the burning Legion. A proposal became plans, and plans became reality, and on the rolling green fields of the Arathi Highlands, amidst the ongoing renovations of Stromgarde, the gathering was held. Jordrend was nervous, he did not feel comfortable amongst Forsaken, though the fact that he was just as dead as them put him at ease, and as he flew in on his great Frostwyrm, he managed to put his hatred aside, hatred against those that destroyed his home, killed his family, maybe they could be redeemed.
The winds of the highlands blew against his rotting skin as he landed, seeing a group of Forsaken that looked kind of weirdly familiar to him. He dismounted and walked towards them, with anxious excitement growing inside of him as they became even more recognizable. He greeted them “Do the Falksteed’s still all walk on Azeroth?” and he received his answer.
The gathering continued for a good hour or so, with time flying by so quickly as the reunited family chatted about all the things that have happened since the day their son left their small town of Southshore to join a greater cause. The joy filled discussion was interrupted by the sound of a loud horn. Confusion hit Jordrend as some Forsaken started running for the Dark Rangers and their leader, but many ran towards Stromgarde, Chaos had erupted as the line of Dark Rangers started moving from the north to the gathering, and Jordrend knew at this moment he had to make a choice. It came surprisingly easy to him, and he guided his family onto his Frostwyrm and loosened it’s reins, preparing to fly away. Jordrend looked to the skies, but his bliss of the idea of living out his days with his family was interrupted by a scream of horror that came from his mother.
Aaron Falksteed had a large arrow going through his chest, his face was one of confusion, but quickly turned to nothingness and his limp body fell to the ground. Jordrend couldn’t stop himself from screaming “Brother! No!” bringing even more attention to the family’s futile attempt to escape. Next, Jordrend looked to the Dark Rangers, and saw a Forsaken preparing to shoot his bow in their direction. He immediately unleashed his hand and sword, death gripping the dark ranger unlucky enough to get noticed by Jordrend right into his blade. Though he got the kill, it couldn’t save his mother. When he turned back to her, she had an arrow sticking through her forehead. Once again, confusion and then nothingness, and she fell onto the now bloodied grass of the once green, welcoming Arathi Highlands. Davren was seated on the Frostwyrm, and Jordrend had no time to spare.
The great frostwyrm flew straight up, though not escaping the barrage of arrows. One pierced into the large Worgen’s arm, though he ignored it and continued expertly directing his Frostwyrm, turning east. It was a long, wordless flight to the Isle of Elysium in the Forbidding Sea. When Jordrend arrived at the Chariot of Neraka, the home base of the Obsidian Order, the dark little secret of the Coalition of Azeroth, he quickly walked with Davren to his quarters. He began healing up his arm, as conversed with his father about what had just happened. They went into details on Forsaken affairs, how things were in the Undercity for them, and attempting, yet failing to cope with the great loss they both just dealt with, the gruff death knight losing his mother and brother for the second time. He needed vengeance… Now…
(To be continued in Part 2, “Kneeling”)
(Yes, I will write a separate story about how he fell for Light to darkness, and how he now worships the light again)