Fairly New Player LF Friends

Alright so my total level between 2 toons is only 54 and I prefer to play with people in any game so I don’t care what server you’re on i’ll switch so I got someone to play/talk with honestly I don’t care if you’re also shiny new i’m just looking for some friends I have discord I have a good mic lets link up i’ll switch right now however I am looking for daily players not someone on 1 day playing then off 2 weeks so if that’s you Add me through Battlenet @ WickedlyVile#1539 and respond to this post. Thanks :smiley:

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Im in the same boat. Been playing since burning crusade and getting back into game. Im also trying to level a new main and play with someone. Add me!

  • South#11679

I’d suggest guild hopping until you find one with some people you like.

Hello there! I added you on b-net (Aevur), and would love to play with you! I have many toons at various levels. I also have a guild that you’re more than welcome to join on Emerald Dream!

If you’re interested you should consider joining our new guild! Were laid back mature people with a sense of humor that just enjoy playing together, yes we take the game seriously, but we play together and we build up together and always play as a team. We only have a few active members right now but we all love helping new players and will definitely work with you to get acclimated to the game, We have good supplies in our guild bank and will eventually be doing raids,pvp, etc but are all just grinding together at the moment!

Please feel free to add us and we will invite you to the guild (you must be alliance on Darrowmere/Windrunner realms!)

Obsidian Legion
(Darrowmere and windrunner realms)

PS - this is also an invitation to anyone else who is interested, feel free to add us!)

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I sent you a request


There is a separate forum for guild recruiting and your realm forum as well.

Advertising your guild in this forum once in a while in response to a new thread is probably acceptable but responding to every single thread, including those that are weeks old, is getting kind of spammy.

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Add me. Love to make a new friend/leveling buddy.

I just added ya! FatiSay#1404

Always glad to help people!

Hi, I am leveling an Alliance Alt Paladin lvl 35. I am also looking for players to level and learn with. I have level 120 characters but I am still a newbie, only been playing since May 2018. So WoW is still a mystery to me for the most part. I sent a Bnet friend request. LilKraken#1278

Just getting back into WoW. I’ll play everyday. I love gaming. I have discord and a great mic. Just looking for some good fun and questing and dungeons

Mind if I add ya?

Of course!

Still looking for people to play?

my bnet is Jtemp#11457 , i play both factions if u ever wanna play

sent u a request

im gixxerkid702 lookin for ppl to run with always looking for new ppl to add to my roster to run stuff with