Faerlina based guild LF HM ready DPS!

Good morning/Afternoon/Evening wherever you are in the world,

Looking to make a server switch?

Bad Manner is looking for a couple strong players for Ulduar 25 HMs! We are a group comprised of Classic, and longtime (14+ Year) retail players prior to Classic. Currently looking to replace some underperforming/weak-links in our group holding us back from reaching our true potential. Our goals for WotLK include clearing ALL heroic/HM raid content in an efficient manner and having a great time doing it! We completed all 10 and 25 man content in Phase 1 including Os3Drake, are 13/13 in Normal Ulduar-25 and progressing through HMs.

What we provide to you:
-A laid back, friendly guild environment comprised of great people and players!
-Established guild leadership
-Active discord for Classic WotLK, as well as other games
-Fair and transparent loot council system
-Guild Bank helps provide Consumables, Repair costs, Resistance gear etc

What we expect from you:
-A great attitude, and ability to work with others
-Make effort to improve your character/performance
-Fairly high raid attendance
-Come prepared to raid including having consumables, being enchanted, gemmed etc

25 Progression Raid Days: Tues & Thursday 8-11PM ET

-Optional 10s are scheduled for the weekend, both these groups are 8/9 with 1 working on Algalon-

Recruitment Needs for CORE raid spots:

High Prio:
Any Pumper Warlock
Feral Druid (A GOOD Cat)
Fury Warrior
Survival Hunter

Med Prio
Prot Pally
Any High Parsing DPS

If you do not see your class/spec listed, please do not let that deter you from inquiring. We are always on the lookout for skilled players!

You can contact us in-game:
Beansworth in-game or Edantis#5314 on discord
Meydie in-game or Meybel#6505 on Discord

faerlina is not open to transfers

shoo faerlina player

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