Which of the two ladies do you think looks more magnificent in CGI?
A dagger or someone I don’t know.
Hmmmm…tough choice there lol.
Hard to say. The level of detail is amazing on both though. Like how we can see that those aren’t just tattoos on Xal’s face, but big chunky scarifications. I do just love Faerin’s design so much though. Missing an arm, so she just slaps a shield on the stump! That’s so cool! Plus seeing her half-elf ears in a cinematic made me very happy.
Hmm, pretty blue lady with a smirk that shows some sort of personality vs the same stoic, masculine, black woman with the lazy fade (almost as bad as giving her Killmonger hair) they use in every Western game. There are so many looks they could pull from the black community and they pick the same dang one every time. Also, the shield arm is goofy (it’s going to look awkward in motion because of where it attaches).
The CGI work on both is great but Xal’atath pulls ahead just by virtue of personality and character design.
farin who?
Cave troll lady
A relative of Lothar, whom no one had ever heard of before and whom Blizzard pulled out of their hat for reasons.
Is there any explanation for why she looks half elf?
Honestly it seems like they stuffed every checkbox they could into her character. Black, disabled, and the defacto progressive female haircut.
I looked at some of the NPCs from Hallowfall and a lot of them are black with Middle English names. There’s a black character named Sygfraed. lol. Either Arathi and EK humans are meant to be based on medieval Europeans or not.
faerin is so ugly, i wanna side with xal’atath
Since she has no backstory in WoW and Blizzard invented her out of thin air for TWW… no one can answer that for you, but your assumption is probably the reason.^^
We haven’t even met the other woman yet? What?
As an aside, I’d choose Faerin because she’s not another boring blood elf.
Very distant relative that’s line separated from the family over 1,000 years ago.
The arathi are from a group that is most likely mixed with high elves? (This is speculation) The empire was joined by high elf mages 1,000 years ago, so you tell me why the humans have pointed ears.
Oh I didn’t realize they all had pointed ears. That makes more sense.
Also a fun note with the npcs in hallowfall, is they’ve used the kul tiran models for some of them as well, presumably to just add a bit of variety. But importantly, they are scaled down to the height of normal humans. Because of course they don’t share the drust heritage of the folks from kul tiras. I just think that’s neat.
I’ve seen this same song and dance over and over again in games and the question was about the cgi. Lazy derivative character design is lazy derivative character design. If they give her an actual personality that doesn’t match her trailer looks, I’ll eat my words on that front.
There have been several datamined with the pointed ears, I have no idea if “all” of them do though.
The only thing we know is this. The group was teleported underground 15 years ago. But they are originally from a grand light empire, ruled by a light emperor. (Future expansion perhaps). The group we meet are the only survivors of an expedition that this light empire sent out.
They claim to be descended from the original Arathi People that 1,000 years ago set sail to form this new empire with the high elves.
We really only know that much and everything else is speculation. I find the lore pretty fun, but it sounds like we won’t get much more info inside tww.
Damn this sunday has turned horny
I’m hoping future patch. Sounds like a good location for patch 11.2.
Oh you mean how every character they ever created has been out of thin air?