Faerin class needed

Ok, here me out lets make a Faerin class where you can tank, obviously since her shield is her arm…And then maybe a dps class that uses spears/polearms. She won’t be able to throw the shield since it is a magnet to her arm…But she can def shield bash… Not sure how we can incorporate being blind…maybe like increased awareness has her racial or something like daredevil. This would change the tanking game, and obviosuly the pvp meta having a character with a spear/ polearm make it like a Dragon Knight class from maplestory…or ESO templar, but some how we got to get the magnetic shield to work as dps too cuz like you know its her arm and all…We need to make a class about her she is the main new character in WoW and really should be the face of this expansion…I mean you see a blind, shield magnet warrior charging after you with her one handed spear…Like im blinking away and probably auto ICEblocking…Or i just move to the side where she is blind and hopefully get away… Let me know what your thoughts should be in how we can make her an epic class…Im thinking def humans…and probably orc/troll to start…


Why do people make so much fun of Faerin for her prosthetic shield but act like Kargath Bladefist’s prosthetic giant poisoned knife is completely normal?


Have we ever gone into battle with Galliwix or Mekkatorque when they weren’t sitting in a full body prosthetic?


But not elf, why straight to orc/troll? :thinking:

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Kargath’s bladefist was a political statement against his oppressors. Faerins prostethic shield is a “political statement.”

In all seriousness I think most people just find it hard to understand why Faerin doesn’t want a magic prosthetic when she lost her arm in an accident. Maybe we will get more exposition that makes it a little deeper. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s later revealed it has something to do with the friend she lost.


I’ve never seen anyone do this, but it makes thematic sense for a battle-crazed orc warlord from a wild culture to replace their hand with a blade. It makes less sense for a human with access to prosthetics to not at least accept an arm with a shield on it or something.

Like, she asks for better shock absorption when offered a prosthetic arm. You know what traditionally provides the shock absorption for a shield? The arm holding it.

People dislike it because it feels like a contrived way to make her “visibly disabled” (ignoring the strong implication that she’s not actually very disabled by the loss of an entire arm). Compare this with Kargath. If we call his bladefist contrived as well, what is it trying to say about his character? That’s he dangerous, brutal, violent, and probably a little unhinged.

Can you imagine why people would be ok with Kargath being given a big knife hand to show he’s a vicious lunatic vs Faerin being given a shield in place of her arm apparently solely so she can lecture us about how she’s accepted her disability and is apparently perfectly capable of most things despite it?


Now that she’s got Mechagnomes around her, she should get a mechanical arm.


So a one armed half blind paladin…I like the character, but the class already esxists. What you want is the customization to make your Pally look like BAMF.


She’s a paladin.

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Or you could read the dialogue where she explains why, if you actually care to know.


She explained it.

She lost her arm as a child and learned to do everything with one hand before they had the resources to give her a prosthetic arm.

If she accepts one now, she will have to learn how to do everything all over again, including fighting. And she doesn’t want to do that. Nor is it advisable, given that her people really need every bit of help they can get and benching her while she learns how to 2-hands is gonna get people killed.

And why is it a problem now and not with Zul’jin who could have regenerated his arm and chose not to?

Besides, she is a Paladin. Her power doesn’t come from her body, it comes from the Light.

(Unlike Zul’jin who was a Warrior and his power did come from his body lol)


Tape a shield to her head and give her ninja throwing stars.


Giant blade > lil shield

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woah, woah, woah…do you see this manifestation of pure, Strength stat? /flex

Light weight, yeah buddyyyyy!


I just think they should have outfitted her with something a bit more practical than a shield that has no reach and no elbow joint to provide mobility.

Plus they’re fighting spider people. The obvious answer was right there:


Always find it so funny.

Faerin: I grew up with one arm, it just doesn’t feel right to have it now and I don’t have time to learn.

Zul’jin: I don’t care my entire fighting style that has made people fear me involves dual axes, I am one armed now! (But not in HotS)

Forums: Why Faerin a political statement?


I read it and I couldn’t relate or understand her reasoning which isn’t always a bad thing. It’s just weird from my own personal perspective.

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Any major change to your body takes a months of physical therapy to adjust to as an adult.

Like, not only would it be learning how to do everything with the new “limb”, but also how to stand and move with different weight balance. And if you’ve ever had to adjust how you stand for any reason, you know it does a number on your joints. And balance? Yeah.

The right time for her to be benched until she gets back up to the level she’s at now probably isn’t during current events.

Because this isn’t a limb she lost yesterday. She went through adolescence without one. All of her motions are built around not having an arm.


I dunno why anyone thinks she would have gotten a “magic prosthetic”. The Arathi have like rudimentary steampunk level technology. Their airships are blimps powered by Light explosion engines. They’re not out here making Star Wars hands.


Also, a prosthetic is NOT the same as “getting your arm back”. It’s a mechanical device that you have to learn how to use. There is a significant learning curve. They are also heavier than normal arms. Faerin even says that the SEVERAL that she tried that the blacksmith made previously caused her significant balance issues. And that with the learning curve required to use it (not to mention re-learning everything else) was too much for her.