Faerin and Anduin: Hooking up or Hanging out?

I really loved this character as I was questing through Hallowfall and Azj’kahet for the campaign story line. She was sweet, honest, and sincere. Anduin’s had a very rough life losing his mother at a young age, and his father’s sacrifice in Legion on the Broken shores just a few years ago. Then after all the torment from the jailor, being racked with guilt, and losing touch with the Light, she stood there and reminded him that the Light is always there, even if someone else is carrying it.

I’m kinda rooting for these two to end up together, given the circumstances and coincidences. Unfortunately, if the canon is correct, and we go with what we saw in the Warcraft movie, and read in the Warcraft Chronicles vol. 2, it would seem that Faerin is actually Anduin’s great aunt. But since there is no solid bloodline connection, and it all appears to be through marriage… maybe there is still a chance?

Thoughts? (I know… talking about Lore in the forums when I could be griping about something else.)


She’s like 18 years old. And that’s not at all correct. Please read this:

The Lothars are an ancient family descended from the “Arathi bloodline”, that is to say the lineage of the humanArathi tribe and their ruler Thoradin, who founded the Empire of Arathor. A surviving noble branch of the family lives in the Arathi Empire. Another branch left Arathor to found the Kingdom of Stormwind, but went extinct with the death of their last member, Anduin Lothar, during the Second War.


Idk…kinda see Faerin as Anduin’s much needed therapist… helps him relax and get over his trauma and regain his connection to the light. No telling if they’re like best friends by one point but he really needed her help to stop freaking out and trust himself again


Oh, I read through all of it, and some of it was tough to follow. Also, the movie does not feel canonical, so the link between Taria Wrynn and Faerin Lothar could just be fabricated. But then we have Varian’s older sister Adariall Wrynn who looks like her mother Taria and mildly resembles Faerin, even if Faerin was born worlds apart from all of it.

I love lore, but some days it just confuses me. So I thought it made for a good topic to clear up some misunderstanding, and also give us a break from the other threads in the forum.

It’s not.

There is no link. Please read what I quoted. The Lothars of the Arathi Empire are not the same branch as Anduin Lothar.

Friends can do that for each other. Most good friends always help lift the one struggling up out of the dark (so to speak). Any good relationship is built on a solid friendship, especially one of trust and understanding. If they are related, then my theory is just way off base. But if there is even minimal delineation between the two, and the whole “nobles marrying within the family” is a thing even on Azeroth, it could still end up being the sweeter and kinder version of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, for a lack of a better example.

I imagine when I am not around they just sit in a dark room in silence. Then when I come around they come to life.

Hanging out. I have a feeling they’ll suggest he has a male companion at some point.

EDITED: and I’m good with it. Not meant to be bait in any way.

I see them that way too.

Besides. Faerin isn’t a cat fan. Anduins gonna have to rethink all of his Stormwind Lion stuff if they hook up XD

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Nah, it’s already been implied he had a thing for a Draenei priestess. I forget where, but it’s written somewhere. He’s straight, but he may have more unique tastes lol.

I think there’s a blossoming romance between Faerin and Anduin.

Anduin is about my age- I was around his age and height in Vanilla (when he was 10, as a kid) and now I’m 30.

And we know Faerin is similarly young, based on how they described her as a child when they first landed in Hallowfall.

I do see those two as a wholesome couple, but my guess is that they’re just hanging out.

And they just met one expansion in. Wise man once said, “Take it slow.”

Anduin isn’t looking for love, hes looking for his purpose and resolve again. If he was to date anyone, it would be Taelia Fordring, she was awesome and brave just like Faerin but got no such praise cause bad writing.


My guess is they might hook up then have to part, very Star Trek/Kirk-like.

Then later, they reunite and she has a son.
Anduin: “Why Faerin, you have a son!”
Faerin: “Yes, this is Anduin.”
Anduin: “Anduin, you say Faerin?..”
Faerin: “Yes, Anduin, named after his father.”
Anduin “Faerin, you mean to say that I am his father?”
Faerin /nods
Faerin: “Anduin, come say hello to your father. Anduin, this is Anduin Lothar. Anduin, this is your father, Anduin Wrynn.”
Anduin: “Anduin! My son Anduin!” /kneels /smiles
Faerin: “Yes, Anduin Lothar.”
Anduin: “Hey, Khadgar! Look! It’s Anduin Lothar!”
Khadgar /looks and /pauses
Khadgar /smirks: “…GET OUTTA HERE!”

(have fun writing the script for all that btw lol)

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Hanging out. The hand-holding thing was very obviously a platonic/religious thing even though out of context it very much doesn’t seem that way.

Dude… they held hands.

Anduin is already pregnant.

Calling it now, Anduin, Wrathion, and Faerin will become a throuple. It is the only path forward.

The lion emblem on the flag, the lion design of the throne, various other lion things like on the ships, his lion themed armor… yeah no he’d need to do a huge makeover as she’d be more likely to enjoy the Horde’s big wolf design or whatever than the lions lol

I wish I could take credit for that joke but I saw someone draw that out where she explains she’s not a cat person. And Anduin is just one panel of thinking before a bunch of all the cat stuff from stormwind is in the back of his mind behind him.

I call dibs on the cute kitty helmet he has.

I mean, Blizz is geting more progressive. It is highly possible that we get a Three’s Company kinda sitch, but that’s just me and you, being funny.