Faeline stomp needs to have no cd

Good catch.

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LMAO, thats almost as bad as that one fella on the worgen/LFD post.


Yeah, not entirely sure why people don’t realize it’s pretty easy to find your main these days and only posting on a classic character truly hides you.

I didn’t quite realize the connection until I finally looked at the joker’s name and remembered him from before.

At least they were mostly able to argue in good faith and not simply “not uh cause I say so” for the most part.


Expel harm costs less than TP, generates chi and when speced crit heals for a ton. It ADDS resources not takes resources other than like 15 energy. Try being an ele shaman who has no instant heal and 1 DR for 40% on a 90 second CD…

Yes, Expel Harm costs less than TP. 15 energy for 1 Chi vs 50 energy for 2-4 Chi (with BDB + Power Strikes) so you save around 10 energy for one Chi per 15 seconds, yes. If none of these talents are active.
Values from Wowhead calculator + calculator for maths (all increases done multiplicatively):
Monk has:

  • Expel Harm, It heals for 120% Spell Power and is on a shorter GCD than usual on a 15 sec CD.
  • Vivify heals for 141% Spell Power in a 1,5 sec cast. (likely 197,4% with both increase talents from vivify or somewhat up to 230,2% Spell Power if you multiplicatively count those 8% self and 8% group heal increase)

Shaman has:

  • Healing Surge for 313,7% Spell Power in a 1,5 sec cast
  • Focused Insight buffs Healing Surge per flame shock by 30% to 407,8% Spell Power
  • Earth Shield heals when hit by somewhat like 40% Spell Power but also increases all healing by 20%, so Surge does 376,5% or 489,4% Spell Power heals now
  • Healing Stream Totem for 15-18 sec on 30 sec CD, healing every 2 sec by 47%, buffing 3 following healing surges by 25% to a 470,6% Spell Power heal or somewhat between that and 611,75% Spell Power when using all of before together
  • Ancestral Guidance for 25% damage/healing converted into a heal for 3 injured allies for 10 seconds on a 2 min CD
  • Nature’s Guardian on a 45 sec CD, automatically healing 20% health when dropping below 35%
    This was the Class Tree only.
    The spec-tree further increases Healing Surge on yourself by 25%
    and potentially after Lava Burst by an additional 20%

Sure, if you add the WW spec’s healing increases from BDB (burst) and Faeline stomp and Serenity (burst), you receive a 50% chance for 40% extra heal, 8% more heal and 12% more heal. As burst. Wow.
As a burst Vivify still heals for around 389,9% Spell Power. Amazing, that way you actually beat a shaman’s Surge that is only buffed through Earth Shield by WHOLE 3,6% if this 50% chance hits. But if you account Ele’s (as you chose them) 25% extra self-heal… it is still better.

What the heal are you talking about?
Shaman do have a lot better healing values than self-bursting WW monks.

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No one grabs focused insight, ele doesn’t get Healing stream totem and earth shield is never grabbed either. AG is broke, and NG doesn’t help when you get globaled due to have 1 DR vs 4 that Monks have.

If healing is such an issue, Shaman can definitely get use of at least Earth Shield for 20% more healing. There are also the other one’s I called.

Karma is also not a DR. It’s a shield. That way you could also call Nature’s Guardian a DR.
Fortify for 6 min CD (or 4 if you decide to not take that irony mode on impressive other passie talent) plus Dampen Harm for 2 min CD brings you actually to at least 35% DR (unreliably higher than that, if it actually is addivite, probably rather multiplicative for less) that’s close to that flat 40%.
And there is also Stoneskin Totem for 10% physical DR that you’ll probably say no one takes either. That’s already 2 DR’s. If you count Karma as 4th for monk, then shaman have 3 with Nature’s Guardian in that logic.

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Don’t forget shaman also have a bit of baseline leech too, in a lot of logs it actually counts for a good portion of their healing

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Oh right, I forgot about that. Extra healing for not having to do anything specific other than damage to receive it. This is not meant to bash shamans. I do like this class a lot and hope it does well (haven’t played it for a longer time).
But I cramped this comparison to show in numbers how it actually is. Complaining about the “strong” WW healing where you don’t use damaging resources (time & energy is used a lot for healing. Instacast still blocks almost every other skill from using, resulting in almost the same like casting for a GCD length).
A little research shows otherwise.


Honestly he’s just a contrarian troll he doesn’t have any actual talking points out at this point just ignore him.

You went even further than I did and did the math, he’s not worth it

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That’s not how that works, Touch of karma is a DR, it can be used pre-emptively to reduce damage, nature’s guardian only works if you’re alive. And stoneskin totem is literally never taken and most 1 shots are magic.

The point is, WW has 4 defensives to use on raid/party wide damage to avoid dying in a single hit/global. Shamans have 1 period… You keep talking about how shamans “can” get this or that, we have next to zero floating points. Monks almost always get all 3 defensives + 1 in the spec tree, bring a 4% avoidance and 8% healing done raid buff.

You can’t both get those auras and the xuen statue, hurting the potential for already lackluster dmg.

You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about and you can take your “second” account and disappear back into the void

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The status is hardly worth the gcd let alone the points. Typically the avoidance isn’t worth taking but you can easily pick up all 3 defensive, the 8% healing buff and the useless statue too no issue.

This thread seems to have deviated a lot from the OP. Let me swing back and say.

For FW, removing the CD from faeline is a MUST!!! There’s FAR too much movement in M+ with the affixes, tons of aoe on the ground, chain pulling, and all the other nonsense, to rely on a proc for our core healing rotation.

It’d be like a disc priest having a chance to be locked out of all their shield for 15s, or a druid unable to use hots. Faeline is not an option for FWing.

If the devs are worried about faeline spam, just change the dmg/heal to a dot/hot. Then let the player decided when it’s GCD/mana efficient.


No, FLS is fine as it is. It’s meant to be used on cooldown when possible to lower the CD of TFT for Upwelled EF more often, especially in Raid. The EF bolts from FLS also stack with regular EF casts.

What does need to be changed is FLS being able to be reset when under the effects of Ancient Concordance/Awakened Faeline without having to stand in the Faeline. That would instantly aleveate the problems and keep the synergy intact.


I feel if they want to push FW I think they should just get rid of the requirement of faeline altogether, (get rid of faeline too) and just give go back to MoP FW instead.

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I’m ok with having to be on faeline to FW. It’s a decent rotation. It works well. I never played in MoP so I really don’t know what it was like though. We just NEED it off CD, its not just a ‘cooldown’ its literally core to the entire spec.

MoP FW was where you gained chi to cast some heals as well as BoK would give you charges to cast your big heal for free and empowered. It wasn’t really “smart” healing and you could target your healing a lot better cause of it