This is a long shot but I would like to either recruit or work with anther guild to tackle the new raid and mythic+ content coming up. I have a few semi hardcore players in my guild and would like to recruit some more to tackle new mythic + content and raids. We are a late night group who do stuff between the hours of 10:30 pm CST to 2 am CST with an emphasis on the weekend evenings between 8 PM CST and 2 am CST. If you are interested please send me a tell and we will chat and do stuff.
hopefully this goes somewhere.
Hi Gobopuma,
Bit off topic. Haven’t played since '05. Excited about classic here…
Any chance you know Darke? My old bud… Does he still play?
Nah he does not play it seems. Only ones in the guild that are active are Roxxyz and Theundeadone. Few others as well like Devildog too. Nice to see you again Gus
i know theundeadone and devildog but i havent played in a year i quit cause i just couldnt do this game and well blackhand died so quickly cause everyone left
Well We are playing again. We done decently with the resources we have. Svetlana/Valhallarama says hi to you Bandria.
are you two married deathpuma and tell her i say hi back i remember her back from the days of hellfire when we were younger lol.
yeah im thinking of making a comeback but not 100% sure how i feel about it.
We are and have been. Just separate guilds. Since the guild you both were in died she came back and joined mine. If you do come back I will definitely play with you buddy
sounds good to me i might even join up on faded dreams too but surprise dragons have been good to me too
We are still looking for cool folks for progression. Please send me a tell on Deathpuma or Demopuma and we can chat