Factions aren't the issue, server capacity is

Lol. Yes.

I have multiple accounts and accounts on both sides where I can sit there and do /who to take census estimates. On some of the bigger servers, they have more than that old cap on one single faction online at once.


Yes, I recall reading that.

There is no server that goes above 10k concurrent users since layering was removed. Not even close.

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How quickly can you do a /who?

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There is a cooldown on it per character. It takes a while even with 3 accounts per faction doing it.

I guess you matter a little bit

Posted 2 weeks before the game launched

I’m getting trolled lol

Severely outdated statement. You can go on a realm like Loatheb or Felstriker (Medium pop), and there is never more than 1,500 players online, both factions combined.

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So even if I take a random persons word that they by hand “did a census”

Don’t you think, over the course of how many hours it took you to do that, that some people might have logged off after you tracked them and others logged on?

Unless you recorded everything in 1 second, after 1 hour you’d have double the actual amount of people. After 5 hours you’d have tracked 5x as many people

It clearly says “based on increased server capacity”. But hey, you do you boo. Gotta go, you feel free to keep yelling “Not uh!”


Yeah you look insane at this point lol


I get what you’re saying, and certainly there are limitations to the methods I’m using. But at the same time, It’s the best I can do since Blizzard won’t tell us.

Better to use data I can get and accept the flaws than to not try at all.

For three characters doing it, takes me about 15-25 minutes depending on server size to get an estimate.

Post a screenshot of your addon showing:

On any server at any time.

I have screenshots from December 3rd (Tuesday) showing 1,999 Alliance online and 3,538 Horde online on Herod at 7:00 P.M.

Prime time, Prime day; most populated server.

Regardless what u say I’m still gonna stick with the server sizes being 3K cause there is literally no point to Blizzard messing that up

Unless you show a video of character names populating side by side the addon in slow motion or something I can’t really believe that :confused:

Maybe a pretty nerdy idea lol but if the addon ran 2-5x back to back it could get an estimate of the rate of loggoffs/loggons for each ~15 minute run

And then use that rate to lower the actual count by (my guess 25%)

they never said but before they removed layering each layer played just like it was a 10k pop server

the vanilla cap was 2.25k, each layer is 10k

Nice random numbers. There is no server that reaches 10k right now at any time.


Nah, there was info from a vanilla dev saying that the vanilla cap was dynamic but they limited it to around 3.5-4k because it would hit hardware limitations around then.

player choice is the issue player chose where they play and what faction the fault for the mess is on the players not blizzard.

Blizzard isn’t entirely blameless. By providing us 0 information at all, combined with 0 population control(faction locking, faction queuing etc), it isn’t reasonable to expect players to be equipped to make choices to avoid the issues we are seeing.