Faction split is 46/54 lol

alliance just didnt queue battlegrounds

but now the people who didnt queue battlegrounds will continue to not queue battlegrounds

this will somehow kill the alliance population


Why would you count PvE only players when referring to a PvP population issue?


Ironforge.pro is not even remotely close to reliable data idk how many times this has to be said already.

I wish Blizzard would just release official data so people can stop guessing or cherry picking w/e data fits their point of view.


Its even closer in retail. Their defense is, “this QoL change killed alliance and faction ratios”. Its hilarious watching people cry. Alliance isn’t dead and they certainly do have good players who do PvP,most of them just dont PVE. They are players that played wow for years and still don’t pvp.


Yep those leader boards sure show a close race each season.

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Hey memes aside what you on right now? 46/54 hahahahahahaha oh nonoonononono

Careful now, too much logic for the forums to handle…


Top 100 rbg teams are mostly alliance,so is 3v3. What are you smoking?


Because he didn’t think out this post before making it.

Yes because raiders (which is the only thing ironforge.pro is tracking) is 100% of the playerbase… There are no pvp only players, or casuals who don’t raid… or raiders that don’t do logs… yeah none of that exist.


If you like logic, you should probably understand that anyone serious about competitive PvP went Horde for the benefits, with few exceptions, which is why the queues for the Horde playerbase was so long and there were so few Alliance queuing.

It’s almost like nobody wanting to be competitive willingly signs up to be the underdog.

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Using the available metrics is inaccurate and Alliance forum posters’ feelings that they are at a 20/80 disadvantage is unquestionably true.


This is what happens when people try to base server pops off Ironforge.pro lol.

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Theres almost much alliance as horde,but they don’t want to pvp.So let horde fight horde,just like rbgs and arena No one is going to wait 1-1.5 hrs to play a game.Problem solved.


Do you often reply to people whose post you haven’t read?

Also, posting on a retail Alliance doesn’t mean you’re an Alliance player.

So you’re saying most Ally don’t choose Alliance for PvP? Thanks for letting us know. Now it’s clear Horde racials isn’t the problem here. It’s people who pick Alliance primarily to RP or PvE.

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Ironforge pro only takes raiding grps into account that post on warcraft logs. You can really feel the accuracy.

In what world do you think most PvPers choosing Horde for the racials doesn’t mean the Horde racials were a problem?

Do you… do you have a functioning brain?


did you just base this number based on PVE logs?

I guess that is OP figured it out why… pack it up everyone.

The last time ion brought it up in some obscure/backwater interview (in 2018 I think?), the retail population was something like 55% Horde to 45% Alliance at max level.

Despite these fairly close %'s, Horde queue times on retail are consistently much higher than Alliance queue times. Horde queue times have literally been 3-6x longer than Alliance queue times for years.

Alliance just don’t participate in PvP as much (for whatever reason), and this whole debacle with TBCC and 1 hour queue times is just the latest example highlighting this.