Faction participation imbalance in random BGs is choking the game

Hi! The imbalance in participation in random BGs makes things unfun for both factions. Ally has fast queues but usually goes in with the expectation of losing, which is terrible, while Horde can expect to win, but queues take much longer for them.

The solution is to call BGs “timewalking” content, which they effectively are, place all queued players from each faction into one pool, and then allocate teams from that pool without regard to faction, putting a “timewalking” faction skin on the player for whichever side they end up on.

This will balance teams for participation, without either side believing they are favored/doomed, and it will even out queue times for everyone.

(If nothing else, I would love for Horde players to get the chance to go up against themselves and see how chat goes in the BGs.)

You know you can just Q as mercenary and play with the other faction.

I’m currently horde and I usually do this when i want to do epic BG’s. I hate saying this but 90% of the games alliance is way more organized and polite.

Alliance doesn’t have the option to go mercenary, I don’t think.

Its should even up soon, most of us are quitting the game in the next 2 weeks so there will be far less of us.

Horde does face Horde all the time, both as mercs and also in RBG’s.