Faction imbalance

With the huge impact that streamers have had on the game and the number of horde growing every day, Is anyone else concerned for the overal balance of factions on classic. The pvp community seems pretty hard set on playing horde while the alliance has the asmongold army and Apes. Will there be enough regular joes to play alliance to ensure that side of servers arent dead? Even on retail wow things have sided with the horde being the dominant faction for quite a while now.

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Itā€™ll probably be balanced just fine. Gotta remember, beta is ultra concentrated with streamers and their fanboiz right now. Real classic will be much bigger and the streamer culture will be much more diluted


ā€œRegular Joeā€ here, rolling on PvP, rolling Alliance. I donā€™t give a flying fart in space about the other streamers, their gangs, or lack thereof. I just want to play a game and have fun. If Iā€™m out numbered, Iā€™m out numbered. PvP will happen. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thereā€™s a general consensus that Alliance have an easier time in PvE. Also Horde canā€™t roll Paladins which PvPers (and raiders) love. I dont think Alliance will ever be dead pop-wise.

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Rolling Alliance for PvP, going Angweā€™s route, will camp a spot, might be Ashenvale, Bootybay-Ratchet route, or Hillsbradā€¦ Will see. I do pray for Horde majority, leads to more targets. But doubt Alliance will be outnumbered, better zones and paladin class are the edge.

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Factions will be imbalanced because theyā€™ve always been imbalanced and will always be imbalanced. Especially on PvP servers. Most PvP servers are imbalanced because people donā€™t want to WPvP on the smaller side.

Canā€™t change human nature.

The biggest streamer plays Allianceā€¦

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Husband wants to go Paladin, so weā€™re going Alliance by default.

Hoping for RPPVP server.


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Oh look Susan Boyle, got the appearance right too.

Iā€™m also hoping for an Rp-PVP server, but regardless of that Iā€™ll be horde ā€“ undead priests are the best priests in PVP (miss me with that desperate prayer shiz), and 30/0/21 shaman is amazing in PVP for healing/damage.

Probably will Twink Alliance though, because I remember good 29 and 39 games back in the day. And I have to experience Duskwood as Alliance, since that was/is my favorite zone and quest series to date.

Rolling Alliance in a PVP, canā€™t wait!

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Horde were vastly outnumbered in Classic. This can only be a good thing. Remember, no Blood Elves, so all the ā€œsingle ladiesā€ will be Alliance side.

All we can hope is that all the big streamers play on the same server, youā€™ll have some imbalance sure, but there may be so many that it wonā€™t matter and if streamers depart, many of their followers will likely stick around.

it all depends on the server. if you remember before CRZ, Illidan, for example, was completely horde dominated. KT was completely alliance dominated. You just roll the dice and see how it goes for the most part. But FWIW, the streamers are all going to play on the same server. That server is going to be a glorious nightmare.

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Donā€™t live in AZ by chance do you guys? Use to know a char with that name

Have you ever played on Blackrock as Alliance? I donā€™t mean now, I mean pre-Cata. Lemme tell you, being outnumbered 10:1, is not PVP. That server was a Horde PVE server, with some Alliance pet battles, where Alliance were the pets

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I plan on playing pvp server alliance. Was gonna go horde but my buddy has to relive the old paladin days. I started alliance back in the day anyways so should be fun.

Iā€™m really bad at making choice and would totally cool with an RPPVP server where it picked your faction and even your race to give authentic faction numbers.

Edit: I may even use the coin toss method.

TBH, I never played on Blackrock at all, Alliance or Horde.
I did start out on Gurubashi as Horde back in the days when it was a PvP server and was very Alliance heavy for quite some time. Some of my fondest WoW memories are of SS and TM and nothing struck joy into my little Orc heart more than seeing in local defense that Starsky and Hutch were terrorizing lowbies. Oh how I loved chasing those two down with my trusty BrokenTooth and my friends at my side.
ahhhhhā€¦good times!

that is true but a correction; women are not the only ones who play blood elves. try not to make that generalization. so the single ladies arent just going to go alliance because their preferred blood elf race isnt in classic.