Yes I should’ve expected blizzard to allow alliance to xfer off Herod and make the imbalance that much worse. Right at character creation I should’ve known!
They should just open them back up at this point to allow alliance to go pve so horde can enjoy a PvP realm that may as well be pve. People quitting or rerolling accomplishes the same effect.
Alliance this week:
I rolled alliance this time because I hope at least some horde players had some balls, and wanted a fair balanced PvP server. Now all that will happen is alliance re roll horde or quit, horde complains about battleground ques, servers merge, game dies. Just because 80% of the horde have zero balls and need an army to camp 10 alliance. Good job, you now will have PvP servers that are now pve servers. Horde on heart seeker are complaining the same way. So st fu and stop being ignorant, balance needs to happen or the PvP servers die… again. Faction ques, keeping it 52/48 horde/ally… if horde want to transfer to alliance then they can. Better than the servers dying out. Battlegrounds was a minor help on private servers (low population) and will do nothing to fix the issue on the servers nowadays with such a large cap.
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I am really confused. I made this thread with ideas on how to create faction balance and your telling me to st fu because balance is needed. That’s what my post was all about. The mention about racials was to some guy who was acting like alliance had no decent racials.
No not you silent scream, I was Not referring to you, I didn’t tag the proper person. Classic alliance racials are fine, especially a human rogue with spy add on, and really engineering is what makes the difference in PvP , not racials.
I appreciate some horde actually realizing the issue, again I played horde form vanilla, and rolled alliance to try and help. It didn’t work, but at least I tried.
Balance? What are you talking about? look at retail… everyone is horde, the devs play horde, the story is about the horde. We all knew that there were going to be more horde players. The balance is simple. Allies get zerged, but horde need to no life to get high ranks.
I thought the night elves had some sort of cool story . Oh well . The weird thing was, before the servers opened, players were doing polls on discord about what faction they would choose. Those polls showed it was pretty even. So i rolled with my favorite, the horde. I like cannibalizing people after I kill them. But anyways, it really looked like the alliance were going to be strong according to the polls. The first couple of weeks , it seemed like the alliance and horde ratios were pretty even on quite a few servers . Then the transfers started.
No 100% agree I like horde better, but I just knew this was going to happen, it seems like to always does. I rolled alliance to help, wish more horde would have done the same, racials are a minor part of PvP in comparison to knowing how to use engineering. However most horde were sheep or read forums about how unbalanced racials are, and they really are not. A human rogue with perception and the spy add on has an advantage. Anyways I wasn’t directing my above at you, it seems you are well aware of the implications of server imbalance and what that leads to. Pretty much retail war mode
Kudos. When the alliance started to vanish from Kromkrush, I felt annoyed. I want server balance. Then , when honor system came, I saw how bad it was. It was too hard to find anyone to pvp with. So i transferred to heartseeker. And i have to admit, now i really see what the alliance have to deal with. I mean I don’t mind the server imbalance too much for myself , but I see the struggle that people leveling have to go through and I just feel bad for them, since i leveled up in the first 3 weeks to 60.
Hah! An undead complaining about people complaining about racials.
Damn right. Alliance have some good racials too. The racials aren’t the deciding factor in who wins or who loses.
No, but fun fact: nobody brags about the PvP viability of human racials and Elysium released their population stats.
Almost a third of all players were undead if humans were removed. Must be because of the cool faces they have.
Yup I’m in the same boat, really just login for raids because on my server you cannot farm or even go to a boat without being camped for hours. Just not worth it. I like PvP, but I do not like farming people in an army, whether I’m on the winning side or not. There is no skill in that, and it takes the fun out of farming gear, creating macros, learning how to bait people etc… out of it. Playing hunter, if I got a freezing trap on a rogue, I would usually win “aimshot, multi, auto, scatter, grenade, heal aimshot again serpent send pet, but a rogue I battled for a while finally had the idea to use the servants trinket I think it’s from sm to make my trap freeze one of the servants and rekt me, I thought to myself, that was legit high iq move. That’s why vanilla was so fun, then 10 horde showed up and it ended.
I don’t actually see anything wrong with any of those suggestions.
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Yes well like papa said, most people roll undead because they read its the ultimate pvp race. honestly I’ve tried both and I prefer Troll priest over Undead. I only choose undead over troll just to cannibalize. Troll shadow priest with shadow ward and hex of weakness is just so amazing. And people will argue with me until their blue in the face that undead is better, and I will disagree every time.
– and also not because of essentially being immune to fear, which is by far the most common CC and most devastating.
Hey, to each his own, but to say it’s “meh,” while calling bleed/poison protection OP is a bit disingenuous.
I just thought stoneform and fear ward together made for good racials. Getting out of blind seems pretty cool.
I strongly agree with this. They have a great opportunity to allow players to self regulate the balance issues here but they will throw it away by grouping servers together so that queue times are roughly the same on either side.
I also really appreciate the additional layer idea, but layer hopping was abused before so that would have to be something that’s addressed. It’s a good middle ground between what we have now and login queues.
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Faction queues. Something that should have been added a long time ago.
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