Faction icon in PVP NPCs nameplates?

Is it possible to have a faction icon on enemy NPC nameplates? I’ve been looking all over for this and none of the main nameplate add ons seem to have this feature. I checked Wago and haven’t found a mod for that.

I submitted it as a bug to Plater on curse but got the reply that “Faction icons only work on player nameplates, not NPCs”.

Is that a limitation with Warcraft’s coding, with the addons themselves or just something others don’t seem to need so haven’t written?

To clarify, I can see the PVP flag on the target nameplate but not on their overhead nameplate. (I’m sure I’m missing the proper terms for those, sorry for the confusing description.)

Having a heads up that I’m about to run into a PVP NPC in the midst of regular enemy NPCs would have save me many annoying deaths / accidental pvp flaggings. Is there any way to have this more obvious?




Oh, that’s too bad, seems an odd thing for Blizzard to disallow. :frowning:

But thank you for letting me know, at least now I can stop searching for it.

I think this should be possible. The relevant function looks to be UnitIsPVP and it works with nameplate unit IDs.

/dump UnitIsPVP(C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit('target').UnitFrame.unit)

‘Nameplate’ is specifically the ones floating over their heads. The others are generally called unit frames.


Ah thank you, both for that bit of code and for reminding me of the words “unit frames”, odd how they totally disappeared from my mind.

I’ll play around in Plater tomorrow to see if I can alter a mod to show faction icons with that.