Faction Change & Paragon Caches

Looking to faction change to horde and had a quick question about Paragon caches:

I’m currently capped on Azerite, and was planning to hold on to my paragon caches until 8.2. If I faction change, will they convert to the equivalent faction, or will I lose them altogether?

Faction changes will convert reputation, only quest chains get reset.

From what I was able to find, it doesn’t look like it should, Rxsa. The Paragon cache itself is awarded by a quest, that is tracked in your reputation window. When you faction change that quest is abandoned, the Paragon reputation isn’t converted to the equivalent reputation.

Your current status with the reputation, up to the current cap, will convert to the faction equivalent. The extra towards the Paragon cap shouldn’t.


I think they are asking about the holding on to supply chest itself that is the reward from the quest turn in, instead of opening it now and waiting to open it after the faction transfer, not holding off on turning the quest in. To be honest I am not sure what would happen to the supply chest. Of course I could be misreading this entirely as well.

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If they are doing this, it may not work. They may not have the same Item ID as the ones after 8.2 is released and therefore may not get upgraded items in them.

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If that is the case, it is important to know that the cache/supplies content is determined when the cache is created. So any item in it will be based on the pre 8.2 loot table. Generally speaking, when moving from one patch to another, there are usually steps taken to help discourage hording. For instance, the amount needed to level the Heart of Azeroth may require 10 times the current amount. While new azerite rewards may account for that, any reward pre- 8.2 won’t.