Faction Balance on Skyfury idea's on how to keep Fresh Even

Yo, as we’ve seen recently here covered by Kaivax we’re only going to given one Fresh server as seen now. (Post here for your pleasure.)

Obviously this is pretty divisive to players as some want PVE some do not. In all honestly i fail to see the difference between a 99% PVP server and a full on PVE server.

So my fellow Fresh players if we in all good honestly want to start forming a PVP Mentality and try to be as fair to PVP and grasp the straw blizzard is giving us, we need to consolidate ourselves ASAP.

Someone needs to do the obvious and spread the word about Fresh, and start seriously trying to make a census about how many people want to go what faction and why, and those who don’t care and are following there friends who also do not care.

Ideally Discord is your best bet for this, if someone wants to set one up. They should do so now and do there best to see what they hope to make out the less the stellar options we are given. (Though if this has already been done, please post it here and do so on other forms of media.)

I would also argue this is in the interest of the PVE player base as well, Although IF we are being honest to ourselves there interest would be to wait for the server to move into 99% faction one sided server. The next best bet for them is to allow a consolidation of power to happen so they can argue for what they want, or have themselves consolidate into there own group on the server which is easier for them. If they have a means too.

Anyway just some thoughts on what’s the best idea to do with Fresh servers given the situations feel free to add your idea’s.

The discords have already been created and are run by losers.


That’s a shame, got a link I’m curious how many are in it? Would be within everyones best interest to make a new one that isn’t a clown show if what you say is true.

I don’t want to post the link cause I don’t want anyone going into them. Cringe lords to the max in them.

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