Face it. You are not getting a legendary in cataclysm

well by the end of togc we had 11 Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings, and now we have something like 5 Shadowmournes.

Yeah you’ll probably get a staff and dagger or two

Same deal with valanyr or smourne… only a very few people will get them… whenever it’s a guildmaster or some officer or someone who has been in the guild for a while now (probably an officer by now)

People that are joining to play cata hyped up thinking they will get a legendary they might still get them just not through the “normal” way except gdkp or pugging which honestly will be very painful process…

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by few you mean every1 and their mothers


you diff don’t play this game, or on a dead server with no guilds…

anyone who raids on benediction or feralina will get w/e they want from raids, all the people that still take raiding seriously been playing cata Pservers for years, just like they did wotlk, lol going to be easy af

and people will still have mass gdkps, 4.3.4 balance as well…

How do you know I’m not the chose one?

I mean you probably will… the trend seems to be everyone gets a legendary changes in WOTLK and I doubt it stops in Cata.