Let’s see those sexy beards.
Ye called?
Ere i am! Whats cookin?
aye, im too young for a profile pic it seems
need to level this ye toon moar
Showing my support for all those handsome faces with beards.
I love men with beards.
More beard choices for all the races.
Repotin’ fer duty!!
This is world of warcraft so this thread is gunna be reeeeeaaaaal sparse.
The devs must all hate facial hair
My beard is a little lower, but I assure you it is glorious!1
It is not as grand as a proper Dwarven Beard… but then I don’t have hundreds of years to perfect it. I give to you my humble submission for a Fabulous Beard.
I heard we like beards here.
Obey the beard!
It’s just shadow.
Ye can’t have a more glorious beard than that of ol’ viking Santa.
Simply impossible.
Tauren beards > Dwarf beards
We are basically one giant walking beard.
Hmm does this count as a beard?
Oy! Meh beards beh gatherin’ here, ah see!
Intrist ye all in som’ pints, lads?