F Tier Class

Hello fellow F tier spec enjoyers, who is excited for more icon changes? Maybe a new visual update? Maybe they will just delete the spec from the game?


You can always not play if it’s not fun. It might help with some of that aggressiveness you’re building up.

friend, I am simply asking who is excited for our upcoming icon changes, sorry you perceive this as aggro


8/10 troll, lost points for lack of creativity but earned some for posting on a FotM spec.

Overall, well done :clap:

sir I am not a troll, I truly enjoy being on DH, the og F tier spec, and I believe all us non vanilla classes must unite against the vanilla neckbeard hegemony

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Look at other melee DPS, like Enhancement Shaman, which got buffed and now does 2-4 million DPS overall in Mythic+ runs. Or recently buffed Warriors and other classes. But Havoc Demon Hunter hasn’t received any buffs—are we just slowly becoming an ‘F-tier’ class


I wouldn’t say that we’re F tier, at least not yet lol a solid B imo but pretty average overall. We just need better defensives and some QoL the only thing really bugging me is the lack of communication and effort being put into DH right now, it feels like we don’t exist to Blizzard. Every time I see new class changes I read the notes just hoping to see something finally coming for DHs and it’s literally nothing but 4% dps buff or icon changes, for god sakes our biggest “buff” has been bug fixes
 legitimately just bug fixes lol

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We also need more damage. It’s obvious we’re lagging behind in both ST and AoE.

My Ret with 622 ilvl beats my 630 DH on everything, and it doesn’t even have good trinkets.


Ironically If you tell that to any rets they will cry and say that they don’t do enough damage or have enough survivability or anything :sweat_smile: and I play ret too! It’s overall much better imo.

need single target buffs, daily reminder


I hate the current trees and hero talents for damage classes.

First, their is no real choice in trees. There is situational skills and their is math.

Second, AOE vs single target should not be a choice. All specs should have some degree of both.

Third, putting multipliers in trees is asking for balance hell.

We are F tier now. This feels horrible. I have Mained DH since Legion (with a skip during season 1 Shadowlands).

This is the worst we have ever been. Not just numbers. But our rotation is awful.


Yeah idk what they’re gonna do it’s been like this since BETA and all we ever get were a few bug fixes and % buffs that still barely did anything