F r e s h tbc servers

Oh yes that was great, I remember it clearly.

Maiev came out, I rolled on it for fun.

Hoo boy.

Soon as TBC officially launched everyone went back to their mains.

Server was DEAD.

Though, with how weird Classic servers have turned out, I might go fresh anyway.

So 4 ya…lol

Idk, facerolling content until mid-Kara with Phase 6 gear is a whole lot more fun than uhh leveling 1-70.

What does fresh mean for classic and tbc?

Will all content be released, or will Blizzard have to devote resources to re-releasing content according to a schedule?

I ask because I see people asking for a fresh Classic experience, which sounds like they want the content release schedule instead of just releasing it all at once? But I don’t think Blizzard would do that if they are going to be on a schedule for TBC.

And if its F r e s h for TBC, does that mean the gates of AQ aren’t open yet? Aren’t in the game yet?

I would love a fresh TBC server. Not one that needs to follow the same content schedule of the last release of Classic, but one where everyone starts out at level 1, but the dark portal is open.

I have always played Horde in those days, and it would be nice to level a fresh new Draenei shaman along with everyone else.


Hah - not even close. :smiley:

Also the botters and hackers level faster than the average players so by the time these “FRESH” people got to 70 the economy would actually be worse because the RMT salesmen would be miles ahead and that is not a good place to be.

Also every single FRESH TBC server that I have played on that did not include any kind of faction balancing mechanism like buffing alliance racials or whatever, was insanely horde bias because everyone thinks they are the top 1% of the top 1%, when in reality they could play literally any class / spec and likely be effective and at the same time have more fun.

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This is definitely the way.

He said you guys should be able to progress. Just have fresh servers too.

The thing is you guys who farmed gold want to play with those of us who would rather reroll fresh. While we would rather not play with you. That’s the difference.


I have less then 1k gold. You really arent that far behind in TBC.

You act like we are separate communities here. Rather silly. I already said I like the idea of fresh, and I’d even make a character there. I would rather it not be a choice I have to make at launch.

I dont argue that horde is better in TBC… but i will never roll horde, mostly couse they have bloodelves(high elves) and orcs that is the main couse of most issues that has happened to azeroth…

and as a druid, i have two choises, nelf or tauren, so nelf is fairly simple

I read somewhere that 1-70 in TBC is the same as 1-48 in classic

The posturing and false facts presented in this thread is ridiculous.

Some people want fresh tbc servers, some people want to continue progressing on their old realms? Why squabble over which is better, like there can only be one grand decision?

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The total EXP it was not much of a difference just the major things like cheaper mounts and at level 30, more dungeon quest XP, no more elite quests so you can get large xp chunks solo, etc. made things go faster, but at the end of the day, you’re /playing many many days to hit 70 unless you’re in a cleave group or are a mage.

Having several TBC Classic server options would be a good thing, instead of one-size-fits all for how the servers would be implemented. Best way to maximize subscriptions.


Definitely think they should have different server types at launch. That way everyone gets what they want (or pretty close).

I’m curious if they will do a name reservation or anything with fresh servers. Will be interesting to see what they announce next week.

“I was too lazy to farm gold so everyone else should have their gold wiped”


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“I’m too lazy to do it all again even though TBC is my favorite iteration of the game so I think people should have to put up with an inflated economy and boosting Draenei/Blood elves”

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Area 52–released with the Burning Crusade–us the largest realm in the US.

I’m glad they got lucky!

I remember I could search the AH without needing to choose a category and 3 pages popped up as a result. Was creepy.