F r e s h tbc servers

This is the way. Why?


You’re telling the story. Keep going?


Because I prefer it tbh.


It’s not. People think they’re making things better. They’re just kicking the can down the road and allowing players with knowledge to exploit them further than if they progressed.


This is the way


It’s not, it’s a terrible idea. I get the appeal of fresh Classic, I too find myself wanting to do leveling dungeons and going back through the content there. Fresh TBC is just dumb on every level of analysis.


I mean, I just want a few fresh servers in addition to progression servers.

You guys can keep your broken servers. I just want a fresh experience every so often.


It’ll be broken in a week.


people will scream if they can’t carry their classic characters onto TBC servers

anyway i think the only way fresh TBC works is if you release it a month or so before opening the dark portal so half the server doesn’t burnout grinding to 70

Grinding to 70 isn’t that hard. We saw in classic how fast you can get to 60. Fresh tbc would only be played until regular tbc classic released. They would need a ton of realms for the influx of players on fresh tbc. These realms would then be ghost towns a month later when classic progresses to tbc. The tbc fresh servers would only be popular while we waited on progressive servers.

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A lot of people that say things like this quit in Phases 1-2. Now they just want another fresh experience to quit. There is a huge community in classic that has played this whole time. We want to progress like we have been and really some still are in naxx currently.

Granted there is nothing wrong with fresh servers in addition, but its doubtful at launch.


That’s what I’ve been trying to tell them. It’s likely not going to be at launch. Tbh I doubt there’s fresh tbc till WotLK. They’re setting themselves up for disappointment i think.

Some fresh TBC servers were released when TBC was first launched.


There was a need for servers. Currently there is no need for new servers unless they are to be used as transfer servers for people to transfer thier current characters and to even out faction populations a little. I wouldnt mind that. Even if we lose our names sometimes.

What we really want is WotLK let’s be real. TBC was good but WotLK was the pinnacle. Cata forward is TRASH. WotLK had QOL as well and was tailored to all types of MMO players from Hardcore to Casual. Ulduar was fun, Naxx was better there was better class balance you could Random queue or get a tradechat group for dungeons. There was great content, PVE/PVP was excellent, and SHADOWMOURNE!!!

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I disagree honestly but they are both good expansions. I liked the era before multiple raid difficulties, and death knights lol.


To each there own. I liked playing my Frost DK with Icy Talons with that sweet Melee Haste smacking noobs with juicy Obliterates

There was 10 and 25 man Normal and Heroic that’s it.

It’s the only way


Fresh servers a month early you say? Time to get either my druids with herb and engineering prepped and ready or a wall of boosting paladins. Great idea! This will allow me to be ahead of most people, since it’s all the rejects that are going there.