Eye color options

Hoping they make it so the eye color is separated from other features.


I would like this. IRL, I am a burly dad with a full beard, blond hair, and blue eyes. I wanted to make my Kul Tiran look like me. Picked the face I did so the eyes were blue.

I’m always in support of more customization options with the exception of sliders like they use in Elder Scrolls. All the horrible monstrosities would kill the immersion for me.


And give male goblins their blue eyes back plz

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I have a feeling it won’t be. It will be similar to how they handled the BE eye color addition-- Rewrite of the same faces with the new eye color.

And it’s going to be limited to the most popular used faces.

We can’t have that because the high-elf people seem to think putting in colored contacts changes what race you are lol… all of a sudden having so many different eye colors would make a small chunk of the player base’s heads explode.

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I didn’t know they took them away. Haven’t played a male goblin before.

(replying on my trust level 3 character)
They had way more faces in cata beta but they removed like half of them :sob:

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Perhaps with the updates to Goblin and Worgen next patch we’ll get more options.

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ooh also nelf eyes that aren’t bound to gender would be cool


Blue Eyes please. For reasons.


God it will be great if they do allow us blue eyes. The pro high elf people will explode. Make it happen blizz


. . . no quel’dorei for you, enjoy your light elf eyes.

As for me, I would LOVE to have amber colored eyes, that’d be cool . . . fel lets just go full on Skyrim eye color mod on this thing.

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If Blizzard allows it down the road, I will reincarnate this thread. >: -)


That’s just mean

I’m partial to:

  • Separating eye colour from faces
  • Colouring tattoo’s/race specific options separate from hair colour
  • Adding more hair styles, faces, eye colours, and other race specific options

More than eye color, there are a lot of options that are joined together for no reason. If you look at male trolls as an example, eye color is tied to face. Facepaint design is tied to tusks. Face paint color is tied to hair color. If you split these all into their own separate categories, the amount of extra variance would be insane.


Definitely because Blood Elves should have the option at least.

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I am totally in favor of this. Glowing eyes are meh these day for me. We are long past BC so the BElf have had some time to adjust, as have the others. Right now the Vulpera have amazing eyes… if limited to if you want a particular color you have to chose the particular face… which makes no sense to me.
Off topic, but the Vulpera also have the bushy tails that the Worgen are sure to be saying, “See?! you can do it Bliz.”
From what I have seen Shadowlands is going to be great for customization. Hoping they go all the way with eyes and tails and everything else. Give us our RP. I want my Elves to have normal eye color options plus some Fantasy options (since this is not RL) plus allowing the glowy eyes. Make the eye options available to all the races really.

Dear Blizzard,
Based on a Shadowlands dressing room post I saw on Wowhead you are still not listening. Blue glow on Bloodelf eyes is not Blue eyes. I want normal eye colors: blue, green, rootbeer brown, etc., not the various glowing eyes. Vulpera have a better selection than any of the elves at this point. Allow all the races to have a glow option. Give that as a separate thing from eye color and allow a no glow option. Please!

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