Extreme Lag On All Realms Connected To Garona

Is anyone else experiencing extremely bad lag? I asked in chat on the Garona server and everyone reported that they were experiencing bad lag too.

Yep, same here. It’s been going on for at least an hour now. Does anyone at Blizz know about it?

Vrakthris does because he moved it from the CS forum to this one however I’m sure he’s just doing his job and letting whoever monitors this forum know.


If you place your mouse over the red question mark under your bags. Do you see an increased Home/World latency when this event is occurring?

Can you please run a WinMTR test to host IP: for 5-10 minutes then post the results back here to review?

Thank you!

Latency appears normal:

50 ms (Home)

55 ms (World)

Running now…Will post results in 5-10 minutes as instructed

Sorry I had a family issue, My Mother fell, I need to tend to her, Looks like you got what you needed below.


I don’t have time to run the MTR


Our QA and developers are tracking down this issue as we speak. A way to workaround it when the issue does occur is to try toggling Warmode or join a Looking For Group. If no latency occurs you can try to return 10+ minutes later to see if it puts you in another instance of the zone.

When this type of issue occurs it would be helpful to do the following:

  • Press “Esc” -> Help -> Submit Bug Report -> Note your Zone, realm, server time. Confirm that toggling or switching to another server using LFG helps resolve the issue.

Thank you!

Thank You for the speedy work!

Take Care!

This is a problem we have every week after servicing the servers …
I do not understand why they always ask for the same procedures if most of the time ( 90% ) is in the blizzard servers and the magic CRZ factory. Sharding, etc!

You might want to inform the entire CS department then, because they were literally just blaming it on my internet (despite MTRs showing nothing wrong) the entire time … a little frustrating.

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Locking this thread as we have a main thread Here. We want all reports to to be in that thread as it’s the one our developers and QA are monitoring as well. We will also provide updates on this issue in that thread.