Extra Action Button bugged for a week now

It’s been almost a week since I have been stuck with the extra action button “Summon Cleansing Totem”. The ability was used for a world quest “Calming the land” which drops a totem after a small cast. I can use the ability in any zone or instance, it’s not bound to the area that the world quest was in or the dragon isles for that matter. There is no aura that I can click off and there is no item in my bags that I can delete that removes the ability either. I wouldn’t mind it so much if not for the fact that two mythic plus dungeons in the current season require mechanics that use an extra action ability, and one from the seventh boss encounter in the new raid.


peolly an iiem in ur bag try deleting bag item

Unfortunately, there is no item in my bags that is tied to the ability. I completely cleared out my bags just in case. Even disabled all my addons, no luck.

I’m stuck w it now too any luck? getting rid of this monstrosity in the middle of your screen?

Same thing for me =/ pls help @blizzard

Same as of today lol

if you use bartender addon you can move it from the middle of your screen as a temp fix -_-

Happened today to me as well. Super Annoying

After a bit of testing to replicate your issues; I have found the following fixes:

Try in the following order:

  1. Disable all add-ons.
  2. Dismount and type “/rl” in chat to reload UI.
  3. Go into Edit Mode; move the extra action button so it is not “connected” to any other UI section. This button should be free floating now if you’ve come this far.
  4. Go into keybindings, and set the Extra Action Button to something different. (I reset mine to NUMPAD+).
  5. Log out completely of bnet app, and log back into your character.
  6. Another UI reload (/rl).

Unfortunately after multiple replications on different characters, these 6 steps were required to fix the bug 5/7 times for me. Hopefully, this helps someone else as well.

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Blizzard just ignores us like they always do. Mine has been stuck for awhile, so much that I had to leave a dungeon because I couldn’t even drop the item I had picked up.


I just passed around the mission again, and the totem just disappear


Fly over the world quest “Decay Cleanup” and it will disappear.


did the quest and it fixed the issue

Go back there and complete the quest. That solves the problem.

Just bricked someone’s Mythic + key because this happened in academy, couldn’t throw the ball into the goal. This is a big problem and should be adressed


Same thing just happened to me. Submitted a bug report.

Will go complete the world quest to remove it, but very frustrating to lose the key.

Side issue, the ball never respawns even if you relog and manage to get rid of the ball.

Now i have this too. Come on, Blizzard, fix this. Have you ever tried blocking Ragnarok with a cleansing totem? It doesn’t work so well.

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Still bugged today as well, hubby had picked up a ball in academy and then hearthed to try and drop it because jumping to die wasn’t working, ball disappeared and messed up the run.

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Exactly what happened to me.

fly to 73,53 in Azure Span, there is a World Quest to dispel elementals. The trick it to drop totem, auto attack and allow the cleansing to happen before killing it.

After 5 cleansings, the totem will go away. World Quest is called ‘Calming the Land’

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