Extra Ability Bug w/ Summon Cleanse Totem

Before my dungeon Que in Algeth’ar Academy; I was in Brackenhide Hollow. My extra ability button was “Summon Cleanse Totem”, and it was permanent. Went into Academy dungeon, got to Crawth boss platform. Before the boss spawns you have to pick up the balls and take them to a zone, use the Extra Ability to throw the ball to score. Which will activate the boss.

When I grabbed the Ball, my extra ability button stayed Cleanse Totem. We lost the ball spawn. It doesn’t respawn. Can’t kill ourselves from leaping off platform. We all relogged. We all teleported in and out. Last boss is gated from Crawth fight.

Even after leaving dungeon instance and dying outside of it, the Extra Ability bar is still Cleanse Totem. Couldn’t finish the dungeon, we all had to just abandon it. My extra ability button is permanently Summon Cleanse Totem it seems.


I’m also stuck with a summon cleansing totem extra ability button

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Likewise, this has been stuck on my extra ability bar for over 2 days now and has prevented me from running alot of content. hopefully this is fixed ASAP

Add my name to the list of this annoying bug. ugh Won’t go away despite relogging/dying/you name it.

i have the same issue add me to the list

same issue, and same dungeon situation haha thanks blizzard…

Another instance on my shaman. Can’t get rid of the Summon Cleansing Total extra action button. Reload, relog, daily reset does not clear the extra action button. Doing other quests that have extra action buttons has so far replaced it, but it always comes back. It’s haunting me…

Yep, this is a thing now! It won’t go away

I am also having this issue

I’m also having the same issue I’ve had it stuck on my bar for over a week. I did the academy today and got kicked by a group because I picked up a ball and I could not throw it. No matter what I do it’s still there reload log there’s nothing it’s plaguing me.

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The exact same thing just happened to me. Please fix this blizzard!

I have the same issue here…

Still an issue, been over a week. I’ve submitted an in game bug report and a ticket (9 day response time is kinda crazy though). It’s limiting what I can work on because of the button. Things like the selfie camera don’t work (you get stuck in the camera with no buttons and have to click the buff to get out. Known AA issues, I haven’t even been there since this happened because of this. Hope it gets fixed soon.

Add another Shaman to the list

This is a terrible bug. I just ruined an Academy group because apparently I can’t do content that requires the extra action button anymore. A regular campaign quest replaced this totem with its own value for the extra action button, but the Academy does not.

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add me to the list too, pretty sure i’ve had this button stuck on this toons UI for about a week now. Annoying as I just want it to go away :frowning:

+1 here !! also having this issue on my hunter lazybird-frostmourne please fix this asap

Same issue here. It has been on my character for over a week. I was hoping the reset would fix the issue…

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I noticed this as well. The fishing world quest to throw the fish will replace the totem with the fish button. The Iskaara feast will replace the totem with the spoon button or chef hat where applicable. Other things will not do that. Super annoying and limiting content.

I still have it, it has been a week now on my DH - I have submitted multiple bug reports and got no response or ticket times even.
It made tanking HoV in M+ a nightmare - thankfully we had an amazing healer.