Extensions to Class-Fantasy & Customisations to suit

Do you guys think it’ll be cool to extend class fantasy beyond the typical tropes – and beyond the Legion order-hall homogenisations, whilst also providing fitting customisations to each in accordance to said class-fantasy extensions?

For example

:diamonds: Tidesages :ocean: :droplet:

Despite BFA’s flaws, I rather thoroughly enjoyed the Tidesage fantasy & thought it’d be epic if they extended upon or utilised it more. The customisation bonus would obviously be watery spell animations. For instance, the classes I feel would benefit greatly to this particular trope would be:

  • Mages (Switching out frost for water)
  • Shaman (Perhaps give them a watery-ice replacement to lava-blast)
  • Priests (Lorewise many Tidesages are priests, so it’s only fair)

This could be easily implemented for Alliance via a questline from their KT pals, or a Forsaken Tidesage on the Horde (perhaps bring Zelling back from the dead? … Er, again).

:diamonds: The Primalists :mountain_snow: :fire: :snowflake: :cloud_with_lightning: :dragon_face:

As many of you know –
The Primalists are the followers of the Primal Incarnates, ancient proto-dragons that chose to side against the titans and the Dragon Aspects. They recruited more people by their side in offering them elemental powers – Surprisingly enough, this was NOT limited to shamanism.

You could dictate that the Primalists stood by Vyranoth when she sided against Fyrakk for the greater good & most had sided with us in the end – or perhaps Iridikron played another long-game-tactic & advised his loyal followers to side by the Alliance & Horde until the titans reflected their ‘True colours’ and the time was ripe.

I find this one interesting because there’s lots of potential for a handful of classes, especially in the RP sense … The classes you could utilise the class fantasy of Primalist power could be just about all of them.

  • Warriors:
    One could state that perhaps some were too feeble, weak or disabled in some regard until the Primalists offered them help via gifts, in return of their loyalty – Being gifted with the strength & versatility of the earth, they were able to lift weights of high magnitude, leap great distances whilst cladded in full plate and even boom a thunder-clap!
  • Priests & Paladin:
    The book ‘Chronicles Volume 1’ states many of the first elemental beings throughout the cosmos came to be from shards of light flung throughout reality suffusing into all forms matter & birthing the spark of life (the most common being elemental spirits) – You could state that the elemental spirits can tap into this light and gift it upon souls who have an affinity for tapping into its power. “The light of the elemental spirits”
  • Mages:
    Frost & Fire are kind of a no-brainer, you could state they were simply gifted by the elemental spirits or the primal incarnates. As for Arcane, pop something like: “We steal the power of the titans ‘order’ & make a mockery of it it with elemental power!”
  • Evokers:
    Reveal some Dracthyr cheesed off @ Neltharion, had joined the Primalists for ‘Dragon-Kind’ to whether they remembered being Draconid experimented upon to becoming Dracthyr— or were just merely infuriated at the whole ordeal & chose to simply rebel.
  • Rogues, Monks & Hunters:
    Akin to warriors, strengths & abilities to withstand against prior-limitations to realise the true potential within – and using your individual willpower & prowess to extend it beyond even further.

The customisations you could provide to each could just be some elemental details here & there - whether it be wind, fire, earth or water / frost, they could be simple or complex … :person_shrugging: Or even draconic such as Paladins ‘Avenging Wrath’ wings visual having a glowing dragon-wings animation instead. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

:diamonds: Followers of the Loa & Wild Gods :wolf: :tiger: :frog: :bear:

For many of the healing classes & nature-spell using ones — You could apply world building around the lore of following a singular or cluster of wild gods / loa, and gift them with the Emerald Dream Green / Jade spell animation, Ardenweald-Blue or mix things up & give an insightful questline that rewards the Drust animations :slight_smile:

:diamonds: Followers of Elune :full_moon: :sparkles:

Apply the class fantasy of being a devout or humble follower of Elune. Whether it be as worship, reverance or simple belief in having aligning goals.

  • For the Alliance being with the Night-Elves, there’s loads of avenues to how this could be implemented in lore.
  • For the Horde, a bit more tricky. You could state the Nightborne have got back in touch with Elune, especially being in such a close proximity with the former grand Temple of Elune.

You could perhaps do a treaty questline, where Nightborne & Nightelves unite to find common ground with Elune in the temple & declare it as a neutral safe-haven.

For this one, you could provide the silver-light animation to spells of classes who utilise light & nature abilities? Regardless, I think it’d be a highly intriguing concept. :slight_smile:

:sweat_smile: Obviously there could be more, but I’ll keep it limited with this for now :yum:

So, with the above class fantasy concepts, lore-builds & spell animation potential — What class fantasy would you be intrigued towards going with for your class? :thinking:


Would like to see red skinned Draenei get the ability to have their spells changed to have some fel flavor to them. They have gift of the naaru change to green when you have red skin.


“Class skins” as glyphs of sorts would be amazing.

Like i really want to change my shadow priests abilities to be light themed. I love the aesthetic of a “by holy fire be purged” character but to do that i need to either place disc (gross) or play a ret paladin for a melee version of it.

Other colored fire for mages would be cool too, like blue fire or white fire, heck even an arcane purple fire.


:face_with_diagonal_mouth: Eh, I’m rather against glpyhs for class skins … I feel that glyphs kind of ruin & cheapen the overall story-fantasy of acquiring whatever power-method & aesthetic in question. :person_shrugging:

However — I wouldn’t mind if there were glyphs that unlocked a particular ‘True-sight’ - Towards of which allowed you to notice a powerful relic or find X hidden item to actually begin the questline of getting whatever class-skins etc.

Questline to be attuned to the Sunwell or be blessed by the Naaru A’dal in Shattrath to get light-visuals for void spells would be cool. :dracthyr_nod:

Albeit as Misakasa said – Having various race-tied customisations would be neat as well.
Such as Void Elves with void-aesthetics for holy spells, Blood Elves & Lightforged with light-aesthetics for shadow spells, Eredar with fel flavours etc …

  • Perhaps have an auto-attained aesthetic for some race-class combos, but a questline for those that don’t fit into it so they can acquire it? It could be interesting, especially for both class AND race fantasy ordeals. :slight_smile:

These would all be fantastic if implemented with the creation-thread concepts as well :scream:
:partying_face: World building galore! :tada:

I disagree, the glyph could always come from a questlineor something. It also makes it more accesible and easily turned off.

Regardless of how they implement it, class skins and spell colors woukd be a nice inclusion.

Glyphs came from inscription.
So unless your character specifically runs that profession, it just comes from the Auction House – There’s no questline involved. No emotion. No lore.

  • I would had found it lame as hell if instead of the questline for warlocks to get the fel-fire, we just had some basic glyph. :unamused:

Hence why I suggested:

So the glyphs act as an first-stage to the questline.

  • As for turning it off & on, you could just make it changeable @ the barbershop as they’re already doing with the newer forms of class customisations as it is. :person_shrugging:

Not always. The covenant ones come from the rep vendors. They could easily do them as quest rewards too :slight_smile:

I mean, reputation vendors wouldn’t be half-bad if it was relevant to the faction & maybe a questline + line-drop required before purchasing.

  • “We’ve put the remaining secrets of learning this art into an incantation scroll, you should be able to obtain it from our quarter-master – Beware though! … They’re a hustler, so you may have to pay for it, despite all the training & reputation obtained.”

… Alternatively though, I’d much prefer a well thought out questline & lore build into establishing how the class-player earned the spell visuals — Especially the more rare & taboo ones, such as shadowflame. :grimacing:

I’m sure Fel probably knows the origin of the glyphs and how they’ve been used in game. They’re saying they COULD put them behind a storyline quest as an unlock. Just because the current glyphs are rep / crafting locked doesn’t mean they can’t add more in different ways.

I think a glyph would be fine, but I think it would be better if it was just an optional appearance you could do a questline for and then have the ability to turn it on / off at an NPC in the legion class hall.

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To what extent do you believe Hero talents are going to expand this?

I think they’re hesitant to commit them as far as covenants (since you can pick on) but it would be cool to have more lore on them.

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I never said hero talents were going to be the apex point of expanding towards this — I just meant it’d simply be nice to have some more class-fantasy flavours via some questlines & customisation options to suit. :slight_smile:

After the questline & customisations are unlocked — I think just having a toggle on / off at your respective class-trainer would be fine too :person_shrugging: Alternatively, like some other classes have – The barbershop works too. :slight_smile:

I’m not claiming they will be. Just asking if you know of/hope for them to satisfy what you’re after with this thread.

E.G: I’m 99% sure I’m going Sanlayn BDK and Riders Frost DK.

I’ve love some sort of vampire stuff. And like maybe Sally Whitemane can dress like she used to for me :)))))

To be completely honest — I keep forgetting the hero talents is gonna be a thing :joy:

The thing I remember most about TWW is:

  • Delves. :face_with_monocle:
  • Alt friendly stuff! :partying_face:
  • Some spoilers encountered, thanks to the forums :unamused:
  • Then just a few little other things here & there. :person_shrugging:

My thread was merely to give birth to the concept & idea of extending the class-fantasies within WoW — and hopefully extending the lore overall within World of Warcraft itself :blush: Growing its story potential further. :slight_smile:

Most underutilized system in the game by a mile. It’s already in place, disable it in pvp and go crazy.

There was a guy on Reddit who did countless glyph designs already and most of it was insanely good.