Extended Maintenance for Player Housing

Dude there is gonna be so much additional and extended maintenance when housing is implemented.

Start coming up with ways you’ll kill time now!

One can only take to the forums and demand game time like a child for so long.


Is one of those ways to create threads like this


Since you seem to know the future, you happen to know the lotto numbers for tonight’s drawing? I can use some extra cash.

Dun listen to that pile of rotten bone an flesh! Tell me! Tell me! Got a space crystal to renovate after all!

Yeah listen to that nice looking goat with horns, she looks nice NOT. Any info about lotto numbers though?

Goat with no horns?? What kind of sick mutant goats do you have with no horns?? Numbers to be sent here!! I know a prophet when I see one! Been seeing Velen do that shtick long enough!

Don’t need clairvoyance to predict that.

It’s like predicting tomorrow’s weather in Alice Springs is going to be damn hot.

I’m pretty sure they could take the game down for 24 hours to completely relaunch the game as World of Warcraft 2 with a brand new engine, graphics, etc. and people would say that’s unacceptable.

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Lots of prophets on this thread :laughing: Some grizzled veterans too!

How I kill time during maintenance:

  1. I forget there is maintenance and spend the day running errands, getting a massage, buying something tasty for lunch, calling my kids, and ordering in dinner for my wife and I

Yeah, that’s about it. Tuesday is just another day, and I am not addicted to this game the way I was 15 years ago. 10k other things to do while the game is updating.

you can use the time to try and get a house in ffxiv!

Getting outraged ahead of time is quite efficient OP.


Get an EU account. Their maintenence is on Wednesday. Even if it’s just a starter account, you can have fun making level 10-11 twinks to run dungeons.

yeah and the sky is blue. anyone with a brain knows that maintenance always gets extended on patch day. unfortunately the forums is lacking in brain supply.

try and obtain are very different things lmao

Classic HC