Extended maint to 5 pm pst

check launcher extended to 5 pm pst hehehe

I think for now on they should just shut game down for the day if this continue to be an issue.


Yeah but we’re getting a transmog station or some thing



not till February 1st!

not until Feb 1st.

Can we go for 6pm?

Just randomly curious what is taking that long, its not like they made alot of changes…


We’re all aware now, they didn’t update anything in the launcher until 4 pst on the second.


But what about second extension

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My launcher still shows nothing. DO we have to close it and re open it every time?

The launcher is probably coded to auto-update the end time +1 hour when it hits the advertised end time. Then they simply take the message off when its up and running.

lol thinking they would be up on time

Weird cause I’m in-game lmao.

Well lets call it a day and come back tomorrow! =P

wow ! no offense but if your not good at your job find a new one

5pm PST hogwash! Watch it creep to 7pm PST.

In the game it was updated a few minutes after 2 PST to say 4 PST. But yes, no prior warning about 5 PST

mods will tell you its a you problem cause they “tweeted” it.

Realms Coming Online Imminently with 10.0.5 go have fun