Extend Anniversary Rep/XP Bonus?

Blizzard, that’s a whopping 17% bonus for those who have not been able to play. Hopefully this gets fixed before next week, I took the entire week off for some catch up on alts!

Is there a tech issue going on I’m not aware of or are you just busy in your day to day life?

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There’s nothing to fix since it’s not broken. :slight_smile: It’s not going to be extended, they’ve never done that with this. It’s just an anniversary perk, not a regular thing.

this has been going on for a week or so now for some unfortunate players

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Actually they did. The anniversary with first-time AV was extended for a few months.


Mt client is working fine ,i hope yours get fixed if its broken soon .

Happens to me as well, I can get around it by running the Wow.exe directly

I cut it short but the client will popup asking you to login and then you just login like normal. I have multiple wow accounts so usually I just leave one client open as a place holder so it doesn’t lock me out.

17% is whopping? I guess :man_shrugging:

with your yeoman bonus? i consider it burger kingly

10 factions away from Esteemed, was planning to work on it this holiday break, is all, any extra bonus helps

What’sa yeoman bonus :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: